City Planners Turn Attention To War Issue

City planners, normally bogged down with the routine of deciding land use, moved into the anti-war arena last night. The Planning Commission gave unanimous support to a resolution dealing with a Community Shelter Program, stating it endorses this project "as it relates to natural disasters . . ." But the resolution also contained the statement that the commission "does not intend to participate in a program which concerns itself with or wastes critically short domestic monies for war sheltering provisions," and "this proviso must be clearly understood and met before participation by this commission. . ." Community Shelter Programs are primarily in the civil defense area and designed basically to house persons in a wartime situation. The Planning Commission earlier this year had turned down participation in the program because of lack of staff time and dollars. However, the Planning Department staff informed the commission last night the federal government has agreed to fund the cost of the study and has also agreed to hold off on the study until results of the 1970 census are in hand.