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Planners Refer Road Program To Council

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. A capital {fnprovenrents report outlining more than $6 million in likely road improvements for a city bonding issue was referred to City Council by the Planning Commission Tuesday night. The report, including a capital improvements p r oposed budget and program, failed to gain the official endorsement of the commission, however, passing on only a 5 to 1 vote. Six votes were needed for official approval. i The report contains possible capital projects for the next five years for Ann Arbor, but Ithe more specific consideraItion falls on 11 suggested Ir oad-related projects t h a t Iwould cali for an additional l$6,410,000 in city revenues. F If the suggested projects Igain the approval of City Icouncil, city residents might lexpect to vote on a bonding ■issue for the necessary ' amount anytimein the next 18 months, and possibly by next November, Assistant Planning Director John Hyslop told the commissioners. . The specific road projects included in the report and their estimated cost include: completion of the Huron Parkway, $1,634,000; a fivelane realignment of Plymouth Road between Broadway to west of Nixon Road, $760,000; Improvements to S t o n e School Road, f rom Eisenhower Parkway to 1-94, $183,000; three Eisenhower Parkway projects, including State to Ann Arbor-Saline Road, $620,000, Ann Arbor-Saline Road to Saline Scio Church Road, $800,000 and Scio Church to Stadium, $880,000; Bridge repairs, $500,000; improvements to the PackardStadium intersection, $225,000; citywide computerized traffic signalization, $300,000; icapped walkways, $8,400; andl citywide bikeways, $500,000. Besides these projects, thel commission also decided tol hold up for further study 1 posed road work on six otherl projects totaling $4,269,000. These projects were on Glac i e r W a y , Fuller-Geddes Parkway, S. State penetrator, Miller Avenue, Observatory and Geddes Avenue. Hyslop said it may take a month to prepare the report for formal presentati'on to council, anrt noted that council would have to decide on putting it on the ballot at least 45 days before the proposed election day. If the propos als were to go on the November ballot, council would have to act by the last week of September. The report to council will also include discussion of other capital projects the city may face in the next five years, but these will be subject to annual review until they reach the top of the priority list. The report failed to receive commission endorsement because of the negative vote of Commissioner Ethel Lewis, who said there were too many things in the report which she could not support. During the meeting she failed in attempts to have all mention of the expansión of Ann Arbor Municipal Airport removed from future capital funding considerations, and was also unsuccëssfful in trying to have a federal grant application for money for the : Packard-Beakes bypass issue removed. Contentions that the latter issue was only a formality re-1 quired by a federal road projects rating system failed to convince her, and her resulting "no" vote on the report caused defeat of a motion for approval. Among the amendments the commissioners tacked o n t o the report was one moved by Commissioner Franz Mogdis to increase the bikeways funding from $200,000 to $500,000. The commission had previously received a report from i Haldon L. Smith of the Ann Arbor Bicycle League urging the city to begin planning for I bikeways.


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