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Delegate Candidate Unable To Serve

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C. Wayne rKenneáy, a candi-l date for precinct delégate on the Aug. 6 Democratie Party pri-J mary ballot, has announced that he will be unable to serve in that post if elected. He is one of eight persons who filed petitions to run for four delégate posts in Ann Arbor's Ward One, Precinct 4. The remaining candidates are Eunice L. Burns, Gerald E. Faye, Marcia Federbush, Franklin F. Ferguson, Bernol F. Soutar, Dennis W. Toivonen and Glen Waggoner. Kennedy said "compelling personal reasons" will prevent him from serving. Precinct delegates elected Aug. 6 will be seated in county conventions to be held between Aug. 14 and 26, and will serve two years.