Three Picked As Delegates
Three Ann Arbor citizens have been selected as delegates to the Democratie National Canvention to be held Aug. 26 in Chicago, 111. Neil Staebler will be a delégate by virtue of his office as national committeeman. LeRoy A. Cappaert was selected as a Second Congressional District delégate, and Dr. Albert H. Wheeler was chosen as one of 24 at-large delegates. Cappaert is a City Council member from the Fifth Ward, and Wheeler is state president of the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People. Vanzetti Hamilton, an Ypsilanti attorney, was selected as an altérnate from the Second District. Other Second District delegates are Morton Cohn of Monroe County, Marjorie Horky of Lenawee County and Gerald Sixby of Livingston County. Alternates are Mrs. Helen Bird of Monroe County, Firman Emerson of Lenawee County and Robert Dwyer of Plymouth.
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Democratic Party
Democratic National Convention
Ann Arbor City Council
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Vanzetti Hamilton
Robert Dwyer
Neil Staebler
Morton Cohn
Marjorie Horky
LeRoy A. Cappaert
Helen Bird
Gerald Sixby
Firman Emerson
Albert H. Wheeler