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Women Form Divorce Reform And Watchdog Committeee (continued)

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I eled a number oí charges. Specifically, the committee [has objected to what they ■ consider is low temporary ijallowance for dependent chil■ dren and allegedly prcferenItial treatment given to men Iwhen determining alimony I vates or child support. Mrs. Snyder cited cases ■ where the court has f ailed to I investígate a husband's real ■ carnings, making support lallowances based on salary Istipends which are in many ■ cases only a fraction of Hincóme from business holdI ings or other jobs. í Also, she said, The Friend lof the Court office claims it ■ reviews child support payIments every two years, "but I thisdoesn'toccur." I She added that most women I object to the Friend of the I Court's rule that women must Ihire an attorney before they can ask for an upgrading in II the level of payments. 1 Most women aren't willing I or are incapable of going to :v;--:::::;::::::::::x:--'-";''; ■ ■■■'■■■ : ■■■■"■ ■ ■ ■■■-■ .vw.-.-.-. .-.-. . the extra expense such a measure would require, she said. Furthermore, she added, the system provides too few safeguards against a man's ability to disregard alimony or child support payments set by the court. Lateness, or non-support is hard to prove and courts are often reluctant to make men pay, she said. A 1 s o , she added many women object to what she called the demeaning treatment by the Friend of the Court. Women have. little access to the director and often are treated rudely by the office staff, she claimed. Women interested in obtaining more information on the W o m e n ' s Committee for Divorce Information m a y contact Mrs. Snyder or attend the group's next meeting at 8 p.m. Feb. 25 at the Geddes Lake Townhouses clubhouse,! 3000 Lakehaven Drive. I I - I I accent on I women .....■.■.- ■.■.■.■.■.-.■■.■.■.■.■..:.:-:-M-:-:-:':-:-::':::::::::-;::':-;::v::y::'.: :::; :ï''; : . .