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They'll Discuss Drug Abuse

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"Drug Dependence Vis-A-Vis Drug Abuse" will be the topic of a talk by Dr. Maurice H. Seevers, University chairman of pharmacology, at an International Symposium on Drug Abuse Nov. 9-13 at the U-M. U-M President Robben W. Fleming, Dr. John A. Gronvall, acting dean of the Medical School, and Dr. Harry A. Tows-I ley, chairman of postgraduatej medicine, will give the opening I talks when the symposium convenes at 9 a.m. Nov. 9, in Rack-I ham Lecture Hall. Drug abuse in S weden will be discussed by Dr. Leonard Goldberg, drug dependence in Japan by Dr. Masaaki Kato, and effeeiveness of narcoticl addicts clinics in the United I Kingdom by Dr. Thomas Bew-1 ley, during the opening day'sl session. I The symposium is being sup-l Dorted by all the major drugl ;irms in the United States,! including Michigan's Parke Davis & Co., and the Upjohn Co., and other organizations such as the Ford Motor Co fund and the U-M Highway Safety Research Institute. U-M speakers, in addition to Seevers, Fleming, Gronvall and Towsley, will be Drs. Edward F. Domino, John C. Pollard, Abraham Kaplan, Neal A. selow and Chris J. D. Zarafonetis Congressman Charles E. Wiggins, R-Calif., will talk on "Congressional Reaction to Drug Abuse," and U.S. District Judge John W. Oliver of Kansas City, Mo., will give the judicial viewpoint of drug abuse. John E. Ingersoll of the U.S. Department of Justice, Washington, D.C., will talk on "Law Enforeement and Drug Abuse" Dr. Paul Kielholz of Basil, Switzerland, will speak on "New Aspects of Drug Dependence in West Europe." Other speakers will include leading scientists and drug experts from throughout the nation and world.