$1-million-a-year Drug Fight Urged

CCouniy million-aAproposalcallmg ra$lmüabuse s rx washtenaw rCounty Board of Commissioners within a couple of weeksT following approval last night by the, Community Mental Health Board. Along with approving tne concept, uxj the program, the Mental Health Board! also directed its staff to proceed with I negotiations with various governmental I and community agencies to develop the I program. Most of the details contained in the propos al were not related pending submission of the program to members of the county commissioners' Health, Education and Social Services Committee. Board members said the complete details of the program would be released after the committee has had a chance to review it. The program has been under development since late last year. It was prepared by the Community Mental Health Center staff under the direction of David Skjonsby and the Drug Committee of the Mental Health Board. Preparations for the drug abuse program began last year after Gov. William Milliken appointed the Community Mental Health Center as the agency to coordínate the fight against drugs in Washtenaw County. Part of the overall drug program is planned to include expansión of the methodone treatment project now in operation at the county's Human I Resources Center. Other efforts expected to be included in the program include counseling drug users, public education on the dangers and spreading use of drugs, and rehabilita tive and vocational training projects. Board member Thomas D. Rowe, chairman of the Drug Committee, described the program as a coordinated community effort under the supervisión of the Mental Health Center. He added that the $l-million-a-year price tag hopefull y could be garnered through 75 per cent federal financing, 15 per cent state funds and 10 per cent local matching funds. __aa he eiíort would involve having ■ jus local agencies and organizations I which could offer services in certain I aspects of fighting drug abuse apply for I state and federal grants. LE the grants received approval, these individual I efforts would be pulled together by al drug abuse coördinator under the I visión of the Mental Health Center. Rowe told his fellow board members I that he feit the entire program could be I in operation in a year. He added, I er, this would require persuading the I agencies which could be involved to I ly for the federal and state grants. Skjonsby emphasized to the board I that the program "is just a beginning" and is not in final form. He also pointed I out he was not asking the Mental Health I Board to approve any specific programs I but only wanted concurrence with the I concept. The purpose of the unfinished I ment is to bring the community and I ernmental agencies behind a single plan for relieving the drug program, Skjonsby said. He added that the program prepared thus far could also be used to help justify federal and state grant requests. Board member Dr. Owen Haig praised the proposed program, but said immediate action to implement it is imperative. Haig said there was an "insufficient awareness in the community of the drug problem. This program is a starting point only. The problem continúes to grow . . . In a related matter the board voted to send a request in writing to the Ypsilanti I City Council that efforts be continued to I lócate a methadone treatment program I in that city. The program was forced to I abandon its former location there I because it was not properly zoned. The clinic is presently operating from the Human Resources Center (formerly Medical Care Facility) but it was revealed last night that negotiations are under way towards possibly locating the Ann Arbor program at the former Canterbury House at 330 Maynard. Richard Gilmore, administrator of the I program, said thus far 131 applications I for treatment have been received, and I 60 persons are currently being treated.
Glen Harris
Washtenaw County Medical Care Facility
Washtenaw County Board of Commissioners
Octagon House
Human Resources Center
Health Education and Social Services Committee
Drug Treatment
Drug Abuse
Community Mental Health Center
Community Mental Health (CMH)
Canterbury House
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Thomas D. Rowe
Richard Gilmore
Owen Haig
Gov. William G. Milliken
David Skjonsby