Group Wants Referendum On Marijuana
'h campati has 'be'gun to legalize the possession, personal use and cultivation of marijuana in Michigan. According to David Fenton of the Rainbow People's Party, a group called the "Michig'an Marijuana Initiative" w i 1 1 spearhead a petiüon drive to collect 265,000 certified signatures calling for the legalization question to be placed on the state's November ballot. Should the group succeed in collecting the necessary signatures andshoüldthe] proposal be put to a public vote and be approved, then present state law prohibiting personal use of marijuana would be repealed -as of Jan. 1, 1973, Fenton said. He added, ho wever, that the law prohibiting the sale of the illegal weed would remain in effect, since the group is not attempting to legalize the sale of marijuana. "We're inviting people all over Michigan who smoke marijuana to particípate in this petition drive," Fenton explained. "It's open to all kinds of people . . . anyone who wants weed to be legal. The signatures sought on the petitions must be collected by July 8 and then turnedover to the state for certification. Fenton noted anyone who signs or circulates a petiI tion must be at least 18 years oíd and a registered voter in Michigan. For further information on the Michigan Marijuana Initiative, cali 668-7206 or wnte I the group at Box 523 in Ann I Arbor. -