Pot Smokers Warned By Police

The repeal last month of Ann Arbor's controversial and lenient marijuana ordinance has prompted Pólice Chief Walter Krasny to issue a warning to students returning to the U-M campus and other young people here for the city's upcoming Blues and Jazz Festival. In a prepared statement, Krasny said, "Ann Arbor no longer has a city marijuana láw. The ticket approach and the $5 fine no longer apply. Persons involved in illegal drug traffic wil] be subject to arrest under the state's Controlled Substances Act which carries greater penalties." The chief issued the warning after seeing fliers promoting a so-called "Marijuana Melee" scheduled for 1 p.m. Saturday on the University Diag. The "melee" is apparently planned as an event similar to the "Hash Bash" held earlier this summer on the Diag. Although marijuana was smoked openly at that event by several persons - including State Rep. Perry Bullard, D-Ann Arbor - no arrests were made by pólice. The local pot law was still in effect at that time. But if the "melee" develops into a repeat performance of the "bash," Krasny said things will be different this time. "Pólice officers will be present at public functions and those observed violating the law will be subject to arrest," he noted in his statement.