Safety Busing Continued

The Arm Arbor Board of Education last n i g h t approved he continuation of safety busing. All of the trustees except Robert Conn voted in favor of the authorization which will continue until the end of second semester. Safety busing is the practice of busing pupils to school to avoid hazards encountered when walking, despite the fact that the youngsters do not qualify for busing under the criteria generally ápplied. Cost for the second semester busing will total $3,600 and will involve the areas of Carpenter School, Meadowview, Newport, Pittsfield and Clinton. o o Recommended board procedures which were discussed at the last meeting were adopted by the board last night. The board also appointed Bruce Benner of the Ann Arbor Bank, George Cress of the Ann Arbor Trust Co. and Prof. Douglas Hays of the University as members of the Investmnt Advisory Committee for a term expiring June 30, 1971. o o During questions, comments and petitions from the public, Mrs. Shirley Gulley, a member of the Black Parents Association, read to the board a letter from the group which expressed their disappointment with the Special Cooperative Training (COT) program. "This is a totally inadequate program", the letter 't ff r said, "and all of our fears are proving to be true." The letter explained how a student had been promised a camera and a job under the program and neither had materialized. Because of this and other problems with the program the association feels that the CTO program is ineffective in providing an adequate educational backg r o u n d , and shows the board's inability to deal with black students. Mrs. Gulley then spoke to the board concerning the prese n c e of pólice at the board meetings. If it is true that this board requested pólice then it is "a slap in the face" she said, and how can this board ever get any trust from the black community?
University of Michigan - Faculty & Staff
Special Cooperative Occupation Training (COT)
Black Parents Association
Ann Arbor Trust Co.
Ann Arbor Board of Education
Ann Arbor Public Schools
Ann Arbor Bank
LOH Education
LOH Education - Desegregation
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Shirley Gulley
Robert Conn
George Cress
Douglas Hays
Bruce Benner