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School Board Meeting Briefs

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During tjte regular meeting bf the Ann Arbor Board of Education, trustees approved a recommendation. of School Supt. W. Scott Westerman Jr. that four leaves of absence be granted for 1971-72 for staff members to take part in the teacher exchange program sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW). The recommendation also included sabbatical leaves for two staff members, five resignations and four other leaves of absence not conn e c t e d with the teacher exchange program, o o Several comments w e r e made from the public criticizing the board for not responding to the Pioneer High School Black Demands. Eobert Foster, a black student, told the board "these demands are to be met or something will have to be done." He also asked the board members and Supt. Westerman what they have done in the last two months concerning Pioneer High black students and what was the reason for the suspension of Rebecca Vanderhorst? Westerman answered that the demands had been responded to and he could only answer questions on specific demands. He said that Miss Vanderhorst's suspension was a personnel matter and not a public procedure and cold not be discussed as such. Mrs. Ruth Zwiefler told the board that Pioneer High School students were deeply disturbed at the lack of action from the administration in meeting their demands and working against racism. She read from a PTO Council 1 Newsletter that said I ing to a Pioneer High student I government representative, I the race issue is still a big I problem at the school. According to Robert I lor, numerous black teachers I have commented on the I lem of racism in the schools I here and the Unitarian Social I Action Committee is planning I to investígate the charges. A Tappan Junior H i g h I School student said, 'You I can't blame the black I dents for feeling the way they I do when you keep busing I them around to make them I feel inferior instead of 1 ting more money into I sythe and Slauson Junior I Highs." I Dr. Westerman said the I 'Humaneness in Education" I report addressed itself to this I problem and that administraron and board were working to solve this problem. o o The method of charging for school lunches was criticized by a citizen, Marcia Federbush who suggested a better means of payment should be devised instead of taking the money in envelopes from the students. It was also suggested that lunches be sold at reduced rates for those who could afford to pay some but not the full amount and that parents be told that children were not obligated to buy a lunch everyday. o o A list of Preschool Census Inspectors was approved by the board last night. The census, which will aid in enrollment projections, will be conducted in May.