School Board Meeting Briefs

Duriiíg the Anrir b o r I Board of Education meeting I last night, Benjamin RamI beau was appointed director and O'Dell Lewis was named assistant director of the Innovative Summer School in I the Black Experience. Rambeau is presently community relations director of the Human Relations Department Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit. He is also the producer of "For My People," Detroit televisión program. r _ _ r Eight resignations and four leaves of absence for professional staff members were approved by the board, o o It was resolved by the board to express its gratitude to the following professional staff members who are retiring at the end of the current school year: Mrs. Ruth Allison, teacher for 28 years; Alice Hach, math coördinator for 43 years; Mrs. Fern Heeres, teacher for 17 years; Mrs. Francés Hughes, counselor for 2 0 years; Harold Logan, teacher and former principal for 41 years; Mrs. Marie Van Aken, librarían for 23 years; and Mrs. Francés Winkelhaus, teacher for 15 years. o o Mrs. Clara Richardson, parent in the Clinton School area, presented the board with a petition with 24 signatures of Clinton parents requesting that the Aug. 31 date be changed to after Labor Day for the start of school. She also told the board that the communitv is riot fully aware of this earlj date for the opening of the public schools. o o With the resignaüon oi School Supt. W. Scott Westerman Jr., the position of board treasurer will be vacated. It was approved that Associate Supt. Gerald Neff be appointed acting treasurer on an interim basis until the new superintendent takes nis position. The appointment was necessary in order that the July payroll be processed. o o The board appointed Ralph Banfield, Robert Banks and Sharon O'Brien to the Advisory Committee for Continuing Education for terms through June 30, 1973. o o Eugene Power of 989 Forest donated $50 for the purchase of library books. The board accepted the gift. o o A proposal was submitted to the board from the Huron High Student Council Curriculum Committee. The following courses were strongly reeommended for addition in the near future: psychology, philosophy, sex education, religions, ecology and environment, and p o 1 i t i c a 1 science. I
Innovative Summer School in the Black Experience
Huron High School Student Council Curriculum Committee
Ann Arbor Board of Education
Ann Arbor Public Schools - Summer School
Advisory Committee for Continuing Education
Ann Arbor News
Old News
W. Scott Westerman Jr.
Sharon O'Brien
Ruth Allisonm Alice Hach
Robert Banks
Ralph Banfield
O'Dell Lewis
Marie Van Aken
Harold Logan
Gerald Neff
Frances Winkelhaus
Frances Hughes
Fern Heeres
Eugene Power
Clara Richardson
Benjamin Rambeau
989 Forest Rd