Special-pupil Program Asked For Summer
A p#posal for a 1971 Special I tion Summer Program for children of the Ann Arbor Public Schools was presented to the Board of Education last night during its briefing session. This program, according to Albert Ansted, assistant director of Pupil Personnel Services for Special Education, is designed to serve 60 "educable mentally retarded students; 25 emotionally disturbed students; and 24 students with speech problems." This will be the first time that the Ann Arbor schools have had such a program, if it is approved by the board at its next formal meeting. All children being served in programs for the mentally handicapped will be eligible for participation in the summer program. This includes both secondary and elementary students. The plan is described as "a summer filled with exciting and worthwhile experiences designed to captivate and hold the child's interest - to give him opportunities for successful participation in activities he will pursue throughout his school and adult life." The program will begin June 28 and end July 30. The estimated total cost is $13,570.17, with an estimated reimbursemerit from the state and the Washtenaw Intermedíate School District of $12,677.63. The program will include such activities as leisure time hobbies, learning game skills, arts and crafts, music, drama, and excursions.