Black-education Summer School Begins June 14
TTfirst sünfinechodl program in black education sponsored by the Ann Arbor Public Schools for all students in the district will begin June 14 and will enroll students in the grades 4-8 and also have a high school workstudy program. This tuition-free school will be held at Forsythe Junior High and will include: AfroAmerican history; African history; African geography; African math and science; Afro-American poetry, literature, art; vocal music in the areas of spirituals and rock and roll; instrumental music in the areas of jazz, church and rock and roll; dance; drama; civics, and mass communications. According to David beau, director of tne summer Adventure in the Black Experience, the program will feature movies, field trips and plays, and there will be no charge for any events. Registration f o r m s are available through all public school offices and through O'Dell Lewis at Forsythe Junior High. Cali 662-2551 during school hours for further information .