Class Schedule Action Said Late
TheAnnArbor Board oí Educttion was advised by Scarlett Junior High School Principal Joseph Vachon to review its time schedule for making decisions for split . or staggered shifts for the followingyear. Vachon, in a report on scheduling procedures for junior high schools, said he had to begin Scarlett s scheduling plans last February if school is to open in an "orderly process" next f all. "It's pretty rough trying to Hn this especially if it is done during the summer and students cannot be consulted for necessary chahges," he said. The board, in Vachon s opinión, should have reached its decisión abput four months ago. If the board decides not to allow Scarlett to change to a proposed sixüeriod split shift next faU, several months of planning v., +V10 Sf-arlett ürincipal, síaff and students will be I less, the board was told. In the scheduling report, I Vachon said there were four priorities in determining the schedule: (1) that the student have a good experience in I school and be provided with a good program; (2) budget; (3) parent and family convenience, and (4) staff convenience. . He added that none of the junior high school principáis was happy with the split schedules because it made ït necessary for them to work a 12-hour day with the doublé I shift of students. The board must still make I a decisión as to what type of scheduling it wiU approve for the junior high schools for next fall. An administratiye recommendation for a splitshift for Forsythe, Slauson, and Scarlett, and a stagger schedule for Tappan was turned down last week.