Alternative Education Plan Eyed
A proposál for an alternaüve education program for junior high students who cannot adjust to a full program in the public schools was discussed by the School Board last night. The program, which is called Stepping-Stone School, was discussed by Paul Helber I of the Washtenaw Intermediate School District and Director Ron Reed of the Family I Group Homes for Youth Inc. According to the proposal, I the S t e p p i n g-Stone School I would be available toi20 I dents in a pilot program I ginning for one semester in I February, with an option to I continue if it is successful. The Washtenaw Youth I vices Bureau of the I diate District has offered to I provide services, where gaps I in service for troubled youth I are discovered, and the I ily Homes would provide I vices for students who cannot I adjust to a full academie day. The Stepping-Stone School sponsors are requesting a financial committment of $16,850 f r o m the Ann A r b o r schools. In addition, requests are also being made for complete background information I on p o s s i b 1 e participants, I school credit for time spent in t h e Stepping-Stone School and cooperation with the Schools' Pupil Personnel staff. The goal of the program is to provide an alternative education program and to provide these youngsters who are not able to function in a normal classroom with skills, both social and academie, thav will enable them to move back into some school program full time. ,