Ann Arbor High Graduates 945 At Events Building

Ann Arbor High School graduated 945 students in commencement exercises last night at the University's Events Building. It was the first time graduation ceremonies had ever been held there. David R. Bishop, president ot the Class of 1968, made the presentation of the class memorial to School Board President Hazen J. Schumacher Jr. The memorial consisted of four gifts: (1) A Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library Icontaining books on Negro his Itory, culture and contributions Ito American History; (2) a eer lamic design of the Pioneer High Kchool emblem, to be placed a ■he library entrance; (3) tw Ischolarship grants, one to Pio lieer High and the other t Hurón High, and (4) a camera 'or video-tape recording. School Supt. W. Scott Westerman Jr. made the presentation L diplomas. Retiring Principal Nicholas Schreiber presented scholarship and citizenship honors. Five members of the graduating class earned "all-A" records during their high-school careers. They are Cari Kikuchi, Greg Walden, Timothy Lehman, Richard A. Wilson and David R. Bishop. Kikuchi served as homeroom president during his sophomore and junior years and was vice president of the Student Coun cil this year. He received a let ter in gymnastics this year anc was an organizer of Youth fo Education and Schools (YES) student group which camjaigned for passage of Monay's millage proposition. A Naional Merit Scholar, Kikuchi will attend Harvard University this fall. Walden was senior executive board representative this year for his homeroom. He received swimming letters in his sophomore and junior years. During lis senior year, he concentrated on dramatic activities, playing the lead roles in "Teahouse of the August Moon," and "T h e Dairy of Anne Frank." The youth will attend Graceland College, Lamoni, Iowa, where he received an academie scholarship. Lehman has been a membe of the Concert Band and Or chestra. He has also partici Dated in intramural sports andl las been a member of the.l varsity cross-country and track; I eams. Lehman will attend ij Gill University, Montreal, Ca-J nada, this f all. Wilson was layout editor of 'Overtones" and assistant news editor of The "Optimist." A] member of the Symphony Band! for three years, Wilson will attend the Massachusetts Institute of Technology this f all. He is a National Merit Scholar. Bishop, besides maintaining an all-A average during his high-school career, was presented with the Horatio N. Chute Medal given to a senior boy "in recognition of outstanding worth in those qualities which go to make up the highest type of school citizen."
Youth for Education and Schools (YES)
University of Michigan
Pioneer High School
Parent-Teacher Organization Service Award
Oberlin College
National Merit Scholarship
National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP)
Michigan State University
Michigan Alumni Honor Trophy Award
Miami University of Ohio
McGill University
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
Mary Ellen Lewis Humanitarian Service Award
Martin Luther King Jr. Award
Martin Luther King Jr Memorial Library
Kalamazoo College
Huron High School
Horatio N. Chute Medal
Harvard University
Elks Leadership Award
Ann Arbor High School
Ann Arbor News
Old News
W. Scott Westerman Jr.
Timothy Lehman
Susan Schonberger
Richard A. Wilson
Peter Graham
Ophelia Brown
Nicholas Schreiber
Michael Weber
Julie Yinger
Hazen J. Schumacher Jr.
Greg Walden
Edward Welch Jr.
David R. Bishop
Carl Kikuchi
Barbara Eastman