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School Board To Take Action On Bonding

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Consideration di a D e c . 18 1 bonding issue for school and library construction will highlight today's 7:30 p.m. meeting of the Ann Arbor Board of Education at the school's Administrative Offices, 1220 Wells. The bond issue, if approved by the trustees, will be put on the ballot as a three-part proposition. Other scheduled agenda items include: - Consideration of a resolution endorsing the vocationaltechnical education facility for secondary students which has been proopsed by the Washtenaw Intermedíate School District. A one-mill levy to finance the facility will be on the Dec. 18 ballot. : - Appointment of a Citizens' Committee on Safety, and - Presentation of the annual financial report by Robert Johnson and James Suits of the Icerman, Johnson and Hoffmanl firm B