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Discipline Policy To Be Presented

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A uniform discipline policy for all elementary and secondary schools in the Ann Arbor School System is tentatively expected to be revealed to the public the week of April 14, the Ann Arbor Board of Education learned last night. Neil Mueller, chairman of the Steering Committee on Discipline Policy which presently is drafting the document, told the trustees his committee is "optimistic" that the final policy will be submitted to the school board for adoption before June 1. Discussion of formulating such a district-wide policy began in the spring of 1968. According to the master contract between the Ann Arbor Education Association (AAEA) and the school board, the policy was to have been ready for adoption last month. After the tentative document is revealed to the public the week of April 14, the draft will be distributed to Parent-Teacher Organizations and other interested local organizations for their reactions, Mueller said. Two public hearings on the documents also are planned for the weeks of April 21 and 28. Following revisions, the ment should be submitted to the school board the week of May 26, the committee said. Mueller told the trustees the new discipline policy will detail the rationale for such a policy, the responsibility of various persons and bodies for discipline, specific policies and procedures, and a system of appeals. Trustees Ted Heusel said he was concerned about "s 1 o w pace" of finishing the documents, and said in his opinión discipline is a "huge problem" in the public schools today. Trustee Richard M. Wood suggested the possibility of establishing an advisory committee on discipline problems to hear complaints and problems on delicate matters whcih parents don't want made public. School Supt. W. Scott Westerman Jr. said he thinks it will be "very desirable" to have a uniform discipline policy. But he emphasized that each building administrator is still responsible for discipline, and he urged parents who have discipline gripes which have not been satisfactorily answered to contact him. "If there are concerns, I would welcome their communication d i r e c 1 1 y to me . . ." he said.