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School Board Briefs

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A request from the Washten a w Intermedíate School District for a five-year extensión of a lease (until June of 1973) for Sullivan School was approved last night by the Ann Arbor Board of Education. The Intermedíate District has leased Sullivan for several years now for special education purposes. School Supt. W. Scott Westerman Jr. said there is a "possibility" of re-negotiating a higher lease fee with the Intermedíate District. Presently, terms of the lease cali for a $2,400 annual rental fee plus $500 for mowing grass and removing snow. The board also approved the Intermedíate District making renovations at Sullivan to comply with orders from the State Fire Marshal at a cost of some $8,000. o o A school board committee headed by Trustee Hazen J.i Schumacher Jr. and composed of William C. Godfrey and Ted Heusel was appointed to work with a special citizens' committee named recently to publicize the upcoming June bonding and millage elections in the Ann Arbor School Dstrict. o o During the "Questions, Comments and Petitions" portion of the meeting, a gentleman in the audience spoke against pa-j rochiaid, and urged the Ann Arbor Board of Education to oppose it. He wás informed by School Board President Joseph R. Julin that the trustees ed a resolution on March 6, 1968, saying that the Ann Arbor board is "opposed to the diverting of public funds into support of non-public schools." Trustees William C. Godfrey and Paul H. Johnson voted against the resolution at the time. o o The board re-affirmed an earlier decisión of Supt. Westerman, denying grievance appeals from teachers at three schools who requested the lowering of class sizes at their schools. The grievance appeals were heard by the board March 4. The schools involvfid were Clinton and Lakewood Elementary, and Scarlett Junior High. Westerman told the grievants two weeks ago that the present pupil-teacher ratio would have to continue "until the (füiancial) resources which are available to the board will enable it to realize all the goals (in the master contract) which are defined." o o Three gifts were accepted last night by the board. The A.A. Club will purchase 40 new bench coats for the Pioneer High Football team. for about $1,0.00. The Pittsfield School Parent-Teacher Organization wishes to present $200 for purchasing portable stage equipment for Pittsfield School, and the Newport PTO has ' donated a movie projector for use at Newport School. "gift policy" then ensued, introduced by Trustee Charles H. Good. Westerman said he feels "quite uneasy" with the present gift policy, since theoretically only gifts should be accepted which can be moved among the schools. In practice, however. such as with the Pioneer benchl coats, this is not followed. The policy will be re-ex-l amined at a future briefingl session. o o Committees to study land sitel selection and development, I along with building procedures,! will be former„ Supt. Wester-I man told the Board of 1 tion. Trustee Joseph T. A. Leel ïas been urging that such spe-j cial committees be formed. o o Trustee Richard M. Wood was! he only trustee absent from thel 5 hours of briefing, regular andl executive sessions last night. I o o Northside Elementary Schooll Principal Harry Mial spoke tol the trustees last night duringl an executive session on recentl happenings at Northside.