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Sex Education Review Set By Westerman

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A review of the Ann Arbor School District's Family Life and Sex Education program by School Supt. W. Scott Westerman Jr. will be presented Wednesday following the regular 7:30 p.m. meeting of the Ann Arbor Board of Education. The 7:30 p.m. session and the sex education review will be held at the Tappan Junior High School auditorium, 2251 E. Stadium Blvd. Westerman will present an overview of the history and rationale of the Family Life and Sex Education programs which are being conducted this semester in 11 elementary schools. Recommendations for additional evaluative steps also will be made by the superintendent. The films used in the sex education classes will not be shown tomorrow night. Tomorrow's sex education overview is the result of protests against the program by about 40 parents last week, most of them from Abbot School. The program is being t a u g h t in grades kindergarten, one and five at 11 elementary schools. The agenda of the regular 7:30 p.m. meeting includes the appointment of an elector for the Washtenaw Intermedíate School District election June 2; approval of a revisión in graduation requirements for basic education students; possible approval of a specific operational millage request for the June 9 election, and approval of an application for legal pre-qualification of a proposed $4.9 million bond issue June 9. A 5:30 p.m. briefing session will be held at the School Administrative Offices, 1220 Wells. Scheduled agenda items include: - A report by Supt. Westerman on the reduction and deletions in school programs which will be necessary if the school board votes to put only a 3.37mill renewal to the public June 9, mstead of a 6.88-mill package. - Review of the recommended $4.9 million bond proposal for construction of a fifth junior high school, recommended for June 9, and - A report on an upcoming drug abuse seminar for Ann Arbor parents by Dr. Sam Sniderman, assistant superintendent for instruction.