Safety Aide Proposed For Schools
A report frothe Anif Arbor Board of Education's Special Citizen's Advisory Committee on Safety has been presented to the school trustees. The seven-man committee was appointed last November to "identify areas and conditions of unusual hazard to students moving to and from our schools, to identify ways of providing adequate protection," and to "recommend any and all steps the Board of Education should take to urge other governmental units to more adequately spond to the safety needs of the children enroute to and from school." The committee gave 26 recommendations in its 47-page report, including the creating of a position of safety coördinator within the central administration of the Ann Arbor Public Schools, and the creation of a safety committee with members dravtn from various governmental units. The committee recommended the board take immediate action in the following five areas: 'Request that the City cil and Pittsfield Township order walks and crossing protection along Packard. Request that the City Council order walks where needed in the King and Huron High areas, and that the township having jurisdiction install paths and crossing protection where needed in the New port, King, Huron High and Carpenter School Districts. "Request that Ann Arbor Township install a safety path along Geddes Ave. from Awixa to the Geddes Ave. Bridge. Provide a solution t o the Stone School. Road Bridge over 1-94 tiear Clinton School which lacks a pedestrian walkway. Provide a solution to the Stone School parking and pedestnan salety problems." School Supt. W. Scott Westerman Jr., lauded the committee, which has met weekly since November, for its "landmark" report. The report will be distributed to other local units of government, and Westerman will give the board and administration his reaction soon. Chairman of the committee was Dr. Giles G. Bole Jr. Other members were Mrs. Donald T. Axon, Dr. Veron N. Dodson, Mrs. John G. Lewis, Mrs. Kenneth L. Müler, Dr. Neis R. 01son and Mrs. Kent M. Terwilliger.
Pittsfield Township
Newport Elementary School
Kind Elementary School
Huron High School
Clinton Elementary School
Citizens' Advisory Committee On Safety
Carpenter Elementary School
Ann Arbor Board of Education
Ann Arbor City Council
Ann Arbor News
Old News
W. Scott Westerman Jr.
Veron N. Dodson
Nels R. Olson
Mrs. Kent M. Terwilliger
Mrs. Kenneth L. Miller
Mrs. John G. Lewis
Mrs. Donald T. Axon
Giles G. Bole Jr.