Diplomas Earned By 49 Adults
Forty-nine local aatats have successfully completed the Ann Arbor School District's high school completion program and have received diplomas. C o m mencement ceremonies were held last night at the Ann Arbor Public Library. The main address was delivered by Congressman Marvin L. Esch, RAnn Arbor. Diplomas were presented by A n n Arbor School Board President Joseph R. Julin. This is the largest class to be graduated from the high school Iprogram which is operated by the Continuing Education Department of the Ann Arbor Public Schools. The first class of June, 1967, numbered eight persons. The graduates include Evelyn E. Alquire, Francés M. Ashworth, Michael J. Campbell, Charlotte Casagrand, Joyce G. Cluckey, Gordon D. Collins, Lela P. Crawford, Elli G. Eckhardt, Evelyn G. Foucher, Magdelena Herkhof, Isabel A. Herrera, Ardrella Jackson, Erika Jensen, Bobette M. Leavey, Linda L. Losse, Ivy V. Mack, Justice Marshall, Jacinta A. Martens, Karen A. McKenna and Michael R. Mildner. Others include Ronald A. Neargarder, Delores A. O'Keefe, Nancy A. Osmer, Hazel T. Parker, Janis E. Rogers, Joyce R. Ruppert, Ruth Sheneman, Luke J. Sharkey, Martha J. Shinault, Carol S. Snyder, Fay A. Stamm, Nancy E. Tar Jr., Helen B. Taylor, Richard H. Turk, Gail'L. Weaver, Michael W. Williamson and Joanne C. Foucher. Persons who received diplomas before the ceremonies last night are Dianne Bissett, Gary Cole, Theolia C. Johnston, (who was present for the event, however), Janice Mickles, Jimmie Morris, Judith A. Murphy, Darrel R. Osborn, Woodrow H. Ratliff, John D. Sherburne, Sandra Shutt, Justin Sprout, Lucille H. White. Esch told the graduates: "Your accomplishment shown here this evening is in the bestj tradition of the American dream.l Far too of ten, we take the ad-j vantages of an education forl granted. Your special efforts to receive an education are especially commendable because it took special time and wprk on your part" Esch noted. "I can think of no more im-ï portant goal for the nation thanl to provide all our citizens with an opportunity for an education commensurate with their interests and abilities." Continuing, Esch commented, "This program to continue educational 1 portunities into the adult yearsl is a fine example of meeting! that goal."
Ann Arbor Public Schools - Continuing Education Department
Ann Arbor Public Library
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Woodrow H. Ratliff
Theolia C. Johnston
Sandra Shutt
Ruth Sheneman
Ronald A. Neargarder
Richard H. Turk
Nancy E. Tar Jr.
Nancy A. Osmer
Michael W. Williamson and Joanne C. Foucher
Michael R. Mildner
Michael J. Campbell
Marvin L. Esch
Martha J. Shinault
Magdelena Herkhof
Luke J. Sharkey
Lucille H. White
Linda L. Losse
Lela P. Crawford
Karen A. McKenna
Justin Sprout
Justice Marshall
Judith A. Murphy
Joyce R. Ruppert
Joyce G. Cluckey
Joseph R. Julin
John D. Sherburne
Jimmie Morris
Janis E. Rogers
Janice Mickles
Jacinta A. Martens
Ivy V. Mack
Isabel A. Herrera
Helen B. Taylor
Hazel T. Parker
Gordon D. Collins
Gary Cole
Gail L. Weaver
Frances M. Ashworth
Fay A. Stamm
Evelyn G. Foucher
Evelyn E. Alquire
Erika Jensen
Elli G. Eckhardt
Dianne Bissett
Delores A. O'Keefe
Darrel R. Osborn
Charlotte Casagrand
Carol S. Snyder
Bobett M. Leavey
Ardrella Jackson