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School Board Urged To Alter Heating Plants

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Business Manager George Balas last night reeommended to the Ann Arbor Board of Education that coal-burning heating plants at the Jones Building and the school district's Administrative Offices be converted to gas with oil standby. He made the recommendation at a public briefing session. Balas noted that it has been the objective for the past several years to elimínate the coal systems. He said this city has been urging this change because of air pollution, but has not set a deadline because progress was being made. The buildings still heated with coal are Bach, Burns Park. Mack and Slauson Schools, and; the Jones and Administration Buildings. Jones and the Administration Building were designated for priority because of the present conditions of their heating slants. Balas said the urgency at Jones is noted because the top of the coal bin (located away f rom the building and in the area set for improvements ïas begun to collapse. At present, that area is fenced off. In regard to the heating facility in the Administrative ofaces, Balas said in his report ;he replacement parts for the unit have become impossible to auy. He also noted that once last year the staff was sent lome because of boiler failure. Cost of conversions for the six buildings involved is estimated at near $200,000.


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