Teacher Recruitment Policy Is Reaffirmed

Data on the "mw elais" ef teaehers biiinuing thtiï firt year in the Ann Árber FuWie Seheel System wai prtiiBtid Ie the Board of Ëdueation at a briefing sissian lust night. Thê data was reviewed In a sesslon w h 1 e h i n e 1 u d e d a stmantie gquabble, a discni-n. cy in the minutes, the revival ei an old controversy and reoifirmatum of hlrlng and reeruitment policios. This review, whieh centered on the need withln the system for more male and more black teachers, was scheduled at the request of the board itself. Stanley Zubel, director, of personnel, supplied the statistics and was available to the board for comment. Zubel assumed his post just five weeks ago. The summary describing new teachers pointed out that of the 257 new teachers hired, 55 are men and 202 are women. There are 32 new Negro teachers, 222 Caucasian and 3 "other." The percentages break down as follows: 21.4 per cent men, 78.6 per cent women, 12.5 per cent Negro, 86.4 per cent Caucasian and 1.1 per cent "other." It notes 62.6 per cent of the new teachers hold BA degrees and 35.8 per cent hold MA degrees. Three new teachers have Ph.D's and one has a voeational certifícate. These four persons round out the 1.6 per cent giving the 100 per cent profile. Zubel reportad that 108 or 42 per cent of the new teachers were graduated from the Unlversity of Michigan, A total of 68,5 per cent, or 176 teachers, were graduated from state schools, These statlstlos pronintnl mIh-i to nott the "sameness" in tbi baekgrounds of the new teacheri, He said there ean be "too mueh ef anything" and eited tbi ne#d for more bitere gmmm b&eUgtmnás whteh h# ai pmeêëë mmê êtimuktog í the iygtein, Zub#i notfid tJjt íti gyfteí has a virtual "eaptíve" IabOr are teachers. He mía tímy $t&y in tbe System íroai ese to tteeO years and are ceflötnteaËf good íor íhe gygtem, Hewever, h# quetíened tbe effeí oí libe turnover ín regard to cwrrículum, Statistíe algo ilioweá tbat male teachers make up 11 per cent oí teachers cmployed en the elementary level. Teachers Set Pact Meeting The Aan Arbor Education Assodation has scheduled ai general meeting of the membership Tuosday to diseuss the remrtly settled portions of the master agreement with the Boaid OI Education, The meeting is sehedmted ior 6:45 p.m, at Forsyttoe Júnior High School. Teams ior the teaetats' ergauixatton and the seheol Itoard reaehid agreement au the Index pay issat tor fael$ jaembers whe put in extra time on dutks suëh as eOacMf , ■ fim teterenee te race and sex te tbe preSSe brmtght back the rmttftog tuertíen eL faírness fs feííwg íd recfttítíng polícy. Bmtímmts ín regard to past ím&tá ateteas show tbat there ís m Vi&Utím íucreasing, the pml eí pmsihle black candidatos ar male c-andidates, as leng as the actual híríng ís êmm m tic baste oí qualifícattoo, TbO sieeds of the school ystero- ana that need in the Ana Arbor sj'stem was described by Supt W. Scott Westermian Jr, as a meed for more mate teaciers and more black teachers- was the basis for expanded reeuriting habits. label said the public schools couM actïvely engage in a longrange on-canipus interviewing program to acbieve the balance of teachers best for the children ín the schools. IMS poMcy - or procedurewas reaffinned as Trustee Joseph T. A. Lee pointed out the statement on recruitment of personnel that had been made by Tniistee Harold J. Lockett, now school board president. That item states the administratiisni shaD take all steps mecessary to facilítate and'or ïmplement the goal of equal treatment and equal education in the school system regardless oL race, color, religión, sex, economie status and the existing educatkmal status of each dü Westerman, reaeting to a hypaïhetical sitnation created by Trustee Ceel Warmer in wMch eqanDy qualified black wA white candidates were toeinf csidered for a teaching posütiw, said Öiat if Zuoel was aeting iuutdler direction of the sdhfflo) atilmtafetration he would Mi the Maek candidate. It was notted that there are qualifieattons and "human eeimplesitïes"'' invdlved, but Westerman added "I would tepe bm twuAat have to flip a Other Stories On Schools School Board urged to con ver t. heating plants from coal to gas, Page 2. Proposed Christmas policy for schools urges activities be held outside of school hours. Page 2.
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