King School Hour Change Is Approved
A shortened school day and shortened noon hour at Martin Luther King Jr. Elementary School for the 1969-70 school year last night was approved by the Ann Arbor Board of Education. The new hours will begin Nov. 10. Principal Rachel Schrieber told the trustees the new schedule would not shorten the amount of time the children are in class, but only the noon hour. Previously, the children had a ■lunch hour of 1 hour and 15 minutes. Beginning Nov. 10, there will be two 40-minute lunch periods. Half the children will be in class while the other half are eating. Classes also will begin Nov. 10 at 9 a.m. and end at 3:20 p.m.l Previously, the school day hadl been 8:50 a.m. to 3:40 p.m. Mrs. Schreiber asked for thel change in hours because of thel large number of children whol live more than a mile froml King School and stay there atl noon for lunch (more than 400 ) ; I and because King will have nol usable playground untü nextl fall. "One hour and 15 minutes is too long for 400-500 children to jspend crowded at tables in the gym and milling around in two parking lots," Mrs. Schreiber said. The school hours will again be reviewed at the end of the l969-70 school year.
Ann Arbor News
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