Aaea Will Still Accept U-M Student Teachers
After two hours of heated debate yesterday, Ann Arbor Education Association members voted to continue accepting student teachers from the University's School of Education at least until next May, while pursuing negotiations aimed at obtaining more influence on U-M decisions related to teacher training. A threat by some local teachers to stop accepting U-M student teachers immediately never reached the form of a formal motion at yesterday's . AAEA meeting in Pioneer High School. Two main motions were approved: A propos al by Mrs. Mary F. Jacobson of Eberwhite School to make no immediate decisión whether to continue accepting U-M student teachers and to continue AAEA-University talks; and a proposal by the AAEA's negotiating committee stating U-M officials have shown willingness "to communicate in good faith with us." Mrs. Jacobson's motion was approved by 302 to 115. The AAEA negotiating committee's proposal, introduced b y AAEA Preside nt David R. Harrell and approved by an uncounted standing vote, with moderating amendments, states: "The Ann Arbor Education Association recognizes the attempt by the University of Michigan to communicate in good faith with us, and therefore will delay our decisión about continued participation in student training programs until May, 1970. At that time we will assess the progress made with the University of Michigan and decide whether or not to continue participation."
Ann Arbor Education Association (AAEA)
Ann Arbor News
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