Abbot-Haisley Boundary Shift Vote Delayed

A vote on whether to change the boundary so that the expected pupils from the lowincome housing site at Maple and Dexter Rds. attend Haisley School instead of Abbot was delayed last night by the Ann Arbor Board of Education. The delay was requested by School Supt. W. Scott Westerman Jr. He said more time is needed íor additional conversations with the Housing Commission which might affect the longrange plans of the school district. Westerman said a delay was also possible because he has been informed it will be at least I six weeks, until the housing project will be ready for occupancy. School officials have I mended that the expected 55 I children from the housing I eet attend Haisley instead of I Abbot. They said the boundary change was recommended because Abbot does . not have room for the new children, and because Haisley needs the "mix" of low-income children . more than Abbot. The recommendations have come under fire by School Trustee Henry Johnson, who said last week the boundary change might cause the schools to be accused of socio-economic I racism.
Otto W. Haisley School
Abbot Elementary School
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