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4-unit High School Proposed

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Some vpreliminary drawings and information on the proposed $16,150,000 third high school for Ann Arbor were presented yesterday afternoon to the Board of Education by the architectural firm of Linn Smith, Demiene, Adams, Inc. Present plans cali for the 350,000-square-foot building to consist of four rectangular, separate (though connected) "houses"- a "school within a school" concept. A total of 2,400 students could be accommodated, 600in each two-story building. Each building could carry on its own activities, though students would travel to the other "houses" for various classes and activities. This "school within a school" concept is an attempt to personalize instruction, often difficult in a large school. Funds for the third high school, to be located at the intersection of Maple Rd. and M-14, will be on the June 8 ballot as part of a five-part bonding issue. Architect Linn Smith told the board his firm hopes to fulfill the educational specifications of the school 'districd "in a very economical manner" at the third high school. I Smith said he expects construction could begin nexll spring if the bonding issue is approved this June. The buildJ ing could then be ready for occupancy in September oJ 1974, he said. Smith told the trustees building costs are presently inl creasing in Ann Arbor about eight per cent a year, soma four per cent below the national average. He said now is a "great time" to let bids for a conl struction project in Ann Arbor. Smith said Ann Arbor's standards for its schools arJ of "high quality," though not as high as banks and certaiil office buildings. He said it is not uncommon for banks tol cost $80-$100 per square foot to build. The third high schofl is being budgeted at $35 per square foot.