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School Board Briefs

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Four resignations from the professional staff were approved last night by the Ann Arbor Board of Education. They include the resgination of Mrs. Barbara Cartwright, head of the Cultural Arts Program of the city's recreation department, who is leaving to take a position wih another organization. Her resignation is effective June 30. o o The board approved a request to transfer $16,193.19 from contingency to the student acivitties fund to cover a deficit in that amount. This deficit had been accumulated in Pioneer and Huron High Schools since the discontinuation of student fees two years ago. o o Board authorization w a s I unanimously granted to allowl the administration to advertisel three positions for employment.I The three positions are director J of operations (substitute for the present business manager, a position filled by George Balas who is retiring at the end of June), assistant for instructional services (a revisión of the pesent assignment of project assistant; and director of 1 cndary education, which is newJJ The new position has a minimum salary of $18,000, and its responsibilities i n c 1 u d e curriculum evaluation, development and implementation. The director of secondary education will also assist in the development of in-service education, new teacher orientation and public relations. o o The Board of Realtors donated one copy of the book, "Under AU Is the Land," to each school in recognition of Realtor Week. Each copy was to be personally delivered this morning. The total value of this gift is about $465. In additión, the Carpenter PTO donated $60 to the schools for the purchase of library books relating to the environment. Both gifts were accepted with, thanks. o o Textbook recommendations for the 1970-71 school year were made by Dr. Sam Sniderman, assistant superintendent o f instruction. Copies of the texts were made available for inspection by board members, along with study reports on the texts. Official adoption of the texts is subject to board approval. o o A progress report on the role of the Ann Arbor School District in the emerging student teaching program of the University's School of Education was presented to the board by a panel consisting of Jean Henne, elementary-secondary consultant ; David Harre11, 1 president of the Ann Arbor Education Association, and Dr.l Herbert Eibler, from the U-M Directed Teaching office.