Huron High Seniors Presented Scholarships, Awards
Hurón High School seniors were recognized with scholarships and awards at the Senior Banquet held last night. . The following scholarships were awarded: Michigan Competitive Scholarships to Bowen Alpern, Margaret Bateson, Bobbie Bertolaet, Janice Brundage, D e n i s e Bruneau, Thomas Davenport, Douglas Freese, David French, Kenneth Garman, Dan Haner, Carol Judson, Charles Katopodis, Rhoda Katz, Joseph Keeley, Kecin Kittleson, Linda Lesher, Anne LesStrang, Burton Levenson, Barbara Lowther, Elizabeth McConnell, Robert A. Martin, Robert Montry, Phyllis Morgan, Adrián Newby, Hannah Riddering, Susan Sawyer, Alice Steinickle, Margaret Stevns, Diana Wahl, Christopher Walker, Martha Wander, Steven Welen and Louise Doud. National Merit Certificates were awarded to Stephen Adams, Martha Ilfeld, Joseph Keeley, David Loomis, Peter Kostishak, Ann Stern, Deniz T e k , and Y v e n - M i n g Yih. National Merit Finalist awarded to Seth Powsner. Ann Arbor Rotary Club Service Scholarship awarded to Gary Balzhiser; Michigan Tuition Grant awarded to David Bell; Zonta Club Scholarship to Margaret Bateson; Rotary Club North Scholarship to Daniel Bender; Business Scholarship to George Cubberly; and Valparaíso University Scholarship to Mary Flynn. The Charles Leverett Jr. Scholarship to Donna Freeman; American Business Women's Association Scholarship t o Debra Mielke. Ann Arbor Rotary Club Service Scholarship to Peter Nichols; University of Rochester Scholarship to David Partington; Class of 1969 Senior Class Scholarship to Erica Pelz; George W. Ross Memoria 1 Scholarship t o R e becca Podewil; Lucile B. Conger Group Award to Carol Stewart; and Michigan State University Scholarship to Laura Takeshita. Eastern Michigan University Board of Regents Scholarship to Margaret Bateson; University of Michigan Regents-Alumni Scholarships to Katherin Doran, Xouise Doud, Martha [lfeld, Linda Laird, Barbara Lowther, John Minor, and Barbara Sweet and Julie Howe. Huron High PTO_Awards to j Richard Blake, Kathleen Frisinger, Karen Lands, Susan Porter, and Phyllis A. Morgan. Eastern Michigan University Honors Scholarship to Carol Judson; Delta Sigma Theta Scholarship to Ronald Williams. The following awards were also made: The National Council of Teachers of English to Jane C. Weeks; Margar et Waterman Award for English to Sarah Smith; Scholastic Writing Award to Erica Pelz and Sarah Smith; PTO Book Award to David Nelson and Erica Pelz; Emery Award to Louise Doud and Karen Brazer; Yearbook Award to Lani Angelí, Mary Grimes, Patricia Gustine, Janice Keeton, Linda R o b s o n , Christine Seashore, Beatrice D a v i s s o n , Louise Doud, David Grimord, Susan Shipman. Full Circle Award to Elizabeth Orgits; Debate and Forensics Award to William Lgelsby, Florence Anthony and Joanne Wilson; Radio Guild Award to Thomas Da venport and Seth Powsner; Stagecraft Award to William Behnke, Cari Hough, Timothy Vachon, William White and Kenneth Young; Hostess Committee Award to Janice Brundage, Kathleen Frisinger, and Rebecca Podewil. Library Award to Kathleen Conboy; PTO Business Education Award to George Cubberly; Outstanding Business Stu-j dent Award to Cheryl Coppa; Shortband Speed Awards to Chery1. Coppa, Cynthia Foster, RoseniEry Monaghan, Karen Otto r.nd D e b b i e R e u t e r ; Homemakers Award to Kathleen Walters; Home Economics Award to JÉberle and PTO Book Award to Teresa Dixon Foreign Language Book Award to David Yih; Special Foreign Language Awards to Ijeanine Delay, Phyllis Morgan and Hannah Riddering; Latin Award to Esther Schiedel and Thomas Neely; Spanish Award to Connie Stuart; Science PTO Book Award to Joseph Keeley; Mathematics PTO Book Award to Seth Powsner; Industrial Arts PTO Book Award to Timothy Vachon and Industrial Arts Award to Gary Paratt. PTO Art , Award to Timothy Vachon; University Margaretl Waterman Award for Art to Louise Bohr; Art Department Award to Louise Bohr and iiM- J IT i m o t h y Vachon, G a r c i al Alzamora, Denriis Baggaley, Kathleen Conboy , Regina Fritzsche, Cari Hueter, Miria Korolkovas, John Mark Reek, Nancy Scott, James Smith and Beth Torbet. Music Department Awards Ifqr A Cappella to Michael Butller, Patricia Gustine, Karen Pjudson, Karen Lands, Deborah Reuter, Roger Storm, Stephen Sutherland, Dan Vandèrkooy, Bobbie Bertolaet, Mary Flynn, [Kathleen Fox, John Ideson, Bjudy Richert and Susan Saw-I er. Orchestra awards to Billie A. iBachman, Jane Lehman and Sharon Meyers; Band awards to Patricia Dickinson, Martha Ilfeld Linda Laird, Carol Carr, Peter DeJart and Seth Powsner- PTO Book Award to Maryl Flynn; National School Choral! Award to Bobbie Bertolaet; John Philip Sousa Band Award to Richard Blake and Julie Howe; and National School Orchestra Award to Sharon MëyêS. Third Year Athletic Varsity b Awards for Football to Richard Atwood, Alvin Baker, Charles iHogan Thomas Neely and IGary Pratt; Hockey Awards to Charles Child, Kevin Kettleson, I James LaPointe, and Cliff PortI man; Wrestling Award to Dale I LeDuc and Steven Pepper; I Swimming Awards to John I Dowson, Joseph Keeley, Nick I Kesslering and Keats McLaughIlin; Baseball Awards to Richlard twood and Alvin Baker; ■i __ __ IGolf Awards to Steve Smith; TennL' Award to Robert Dowzema and Scott Mengel; Track Awards t o Daniel B e n d e r , DavH Cook, Charles Hogan and Donn Raley. Student Council Awards to Lani Angelí, Joseph Keeley, Joann McCalla, John Minor, Phyllis Morgan, Thomas Neely, Rebecca P o d e w i 1 , Douglas Wanty, John Browder, Joseph Kleinman and Peter Kostichak. I Appointed U.S. Naval AcadeI my was Douglas Sherman. ■
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