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Pioneer Seniors Honored At Banquet

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The following awards and' scholarships were presented to Pioneer High School seniors at the Senior Banquet. Pioneer High P.T.O. Scholarships: Deborah Eddy, Susan Tracy, Pamela Davis, Jóhn Harris, Judith Cr andall, Cynthia Reed. Clara Goodrich Plympton Scholarship, Timothy Scott Wilspn; Business and Professional Women's Club Scholarship, Kathleen Hellner; Zonta Club, Barbara Cook; Pioneer Scholarship, Wendy Frey; Ann Arbor Joycee Auxiliary, Catherine Riodan; Robert Lewis Memorial Seholarship, David Finkbeiner; Rotary Club Service Scholarship, David Toombs and Torn Olencki and the James Kegeles Scholarship, Joel Miller. Ann Arbor Education Association Scholarship Award to Sandra Harris; Lucille B. Conger Group Award to Peggy Johnston; Eastern Michigan University Honors Scholarship to Diane Treaster; Ann Arbor Professional Engineers Award to Marilyn Hinderer. Michigan Higher Education Assistance Authority Scholarships to Sally Bassett, Allison Bishop, Charles Bowman, Mark Brahce, Martin Chaney, Christine Clisham, Jonathan Cohen, Barbara Cook, Cynthia Coon, Judith Crandall, Pamela Davis, Randall Davis, William Doneth, Donald Draayer, Pamela Ellis, Deborah Fleming, Lisa Friedrichs, Kimberly Givens, Winifred , Harbeck, Scott Hauser, Nancy Jaynes, Marilyn Hinderer, Alice Hinterman, Diane Hoefle, Eric Jones, Fred Joob, Ma'rjorie Kerman, David Korthals, Arnold Lelis, James Levenick, Norma Linebaugh, Marcus Lohela, Don Louwsma, Susan McClroy, Thomas Olencki, Cynthia Read, John Schneider, Palmer Schoch, Dwight Smith, Bradford Snyder, Peter Taylor, Chad Thompson, Janet Trotter, Esther Ullman, Patricia Watrous, and Glyn Webber. U-M Regents Alumni Scholarships to Terry Brooks, Lucille Binder, Margaret Clark, Peter Cunningham, Pamela Davis, Owen Fletcher, Janet Galardi, Marilyn Hinderer, Marjorie Kerman and Jean Wong. U - M Grants to John Schneider, Fred Joob, and Barbara Cook; U-M Opportunity Award Grant to Terry Brooks; EMU Operation Opportunity Awards to Carlton Davis, Louis Davis, Xenona Green, Charlene Kelly, Cornell Kirkland, Debra Wallace, Lillie Webster and Eric Welch; Michigan State University Scholarships, t o Arnold Lelis, Christine Clisham, Judith Crandall, Valoreé Haag, Eric Jones, Dwight Smith and Susan Tracy. National Merit Scholarship Letters of Commehdation to Peter Cunningham, Eric Jones, Charles Kennedy, Arnold Lelis, David Marshall, ajiÖ John Murphy; National Merit Certificates of Merit tó.-Edward Adelson, Lisa Barensé, Lucille Binder, Ellen Bfehop, Jonathan Cohen, Susa Coon, William Doneth, Jamës Levenick, Judith Lohla and William Ullman. Chrysler Fund Merit Scholarship to Lucille Binder; Chrysler Fund Scholarship to Edward Owens; Federal Education Opportunity Grant to Thomas Alemander; March of Dimes Foundation Scholarship to Fred Joob ; Kalamazoo Working Scholarship to Tom Dillman; Kalamazoo College Tuition Granl to Randy Van Gasse and Hope College Music Award to Diane Hoefle. Oberlin College Scholarship to Jonathan Cohen; Albion College Scholarships to Rebecca Collins and Lisa Friedrichs. State honors in debate: Stephen Miller, David Westin and Paula Datsko; stagecraft certificates: Cari Graf and Steve Lansky; forensics: Meg Fisher, Stephen Miller, David Westin and Paula Datsko; radio guild certifícate: Douglas Boynton. Bausch and Lomb award: Eric Leinbach; Westinghouse national science talent search: Marilyn Hinderer and William Ullman; Buell awards: Lisa Barense, Ellen Bishop, Martin Chaney, Christopher Coon, William Doneth, Marilyn Hinderer, Raymond Kavlick, Mary Mil1 a r d and William Ullman. Industrial arts award: Robert Kellum. Certifícate of service: Valoree Haag and Jackie Elzay; Robert Granville writing award certificates: Wendy Aldrich, Tom Gillen, Nancy Handler, John Ludlow, Austin MacMullan, Phillip Medlin and David Murphy; scholastic writing award: Susan Coon, Dwight E. Smith and Lawrence A. Wall; National Council of Teachers of English achievement award runner-up: Edward AdelsonMargareWaterman alumnae award for excellence! in writing : Chris Wilson. U-M Waterman alumnae award: Barbara Cook; honor book: Alice Hinterman, Roberta Schollard, Sharon Larmee, Debbie Baublit, Mike Ehrlinger, Frank Goldschmidt and Sue Holdaway. Business Education Award: Lou Ann Lenio; Student Council certificates of merit: John Ludlow, Charles Yourd, Dan Weil and Paula Datsko; Rifle Club: James Hanselman, Bruce Holbrook, James Ehnis, Duane Bei-yy and Marcia Fitch. Michigan mathematics prize competition: Ellen Bishop, Paul Metzer, Ted Adelson, Martin Chaney and John Schneider; Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan: Della Arndt; Michigan Culinary arts show: Ron McGill, David Honeck and Bruce M i 1 1 e r ; Harold Harding memorial maritime essay contest for the Propeller Club of the U.S.: Bruce Sanderson. Theater Guild certificates: Leslie Bundy, Austin Cary, Sue Coon, Mike Exinger, Meg Fisher, Torn Gillen, Cari Graf, Eric Jones, Paul Kasurin, Harold Kirchen, Steve Lansky, Eric Leinbach, David Marshall, Stephen Miller, Cathy Riordan, Vicki Smith, Steve Taggart, TeDee Theofil, Kathy Tootell, Mark Warshaw, David Westin and Jay Williams; theater guild gold pin: Sandy LaRoe; theater guild silver mask: Cindy Coon, Kathy Higman, Judy Lohla and Pam Martin; special recognition: Carol Flandyz, Erica Goode and Torn Manzi. Football cup awards: Riek Pink and Pete Shipley; swimming cup awards: Paul j man, Dave Fuller, John Orcutt and Jim Roos; tennis cup awards: Edward (Octy) 1 Owens; track cup awards: J Richard (Skip) Burck and Dan Johnson; cross country cup award: Skip Burck; hockey cup awards: Torn Carey, Craig Rigan and Bill Standbridge; basketball cup award: Steve Burkhart; wrestling cup awards: Wayne Abbott, Cornell Kirkland, Bob Mann and Nate Zill. Hostess committee awards : Marilyn J. Hinderer, Diana B. Doerr and Pamela J. Davis; outstanding senior home economics student: Susan L. Harmon. -