Ann Arbor Pto Council Planned
Plans were aníunced today by Dr. Lee W. Jones to form an Ann Arbor Parent-Teacher Organization Council. The new group would include represenetatives from each of the existing PTO organizations within the public school system. It would function independently of the schools' administration and Board of Education. r - In making the announcement, Dr. Jones said that "The purpose of the council will be to provide parents with a more effective involvement in the decision-making processes that affect our school system. We hope to accomplish this by establishing meaningful communication between PTO units, the Board of Education, the school administration, the Ann Arbor Education Association, students and other appropriate groups. "Up to now, parents have had no efficiënt way of presenting their views on local educational issues in any united way. We intend to make this new organization an effective advocate for all parents belonging to individual PTO units." Dr. Jones has been serving as temporary chairman of an ad hoc group of PTO representatives from the schools in Ann Arbor, Arbor. Group members have been meeting regularly for the past several months developing the organizational framework for accomplishing the purposes of the council. Their eff o r t s culminated recently in I the formulation of a proposed constitution and bylaws for the council. The council membership would I De made up of one voting dele-I gate from each PTO in the school system. In addition, the school administratipn, school principáis, student councils andj the AAEA would be invited to name representatives. Initially, the council would publish a quarterly newsletter for parents, appoint representatives to attend all school board meetings, maintain continuousl communication with the board] on all major issues and sponsor! candidate nights during elec-l tions for the board. "Our next effort," Jones said.l 'will be to present the proposedl constitution and bylaws to all! PTO's for ratification. We hopel o have the council operatingl by Oct. 15."
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