Ex-director Of Wrand Seeks School Board Seat
Mrs. Mary Jane Shoultz, 34, former director of the' WRAND Day Care Center in Willow Run and currently a consultant with the University's Child Development Consultant Project, today announced her candidacy in the June 9 Ann Arbor Board of Education election. She is the second person to become a candidate for one of three vacant seats on the school board. The terms of President Joseph R. Julin and Trustees Hazen J. Schumacher Jr. and William C. Godfrey expire this June. All three have announced they will not seek re-election. The other announced candidate is James W. Anderson Jr., a former vice chairman of the Ann Arbor Human Relations Commission. In her written candidacy statement, Mrs. Shoultz said: "We must begin to shape our educational 'manstitutions' before they misshape us any further. People- parents and children, teachers and administrators- need to express choices, not just submit to one single standard. "There is room and talent and ability in this society to work for pay or fun; for grades or equality; for slavery or dom; for G(eneral) M(otors) or art;, for disintegration or integration; for 'spliteracy' or integrity; for 'fracism' or democracy; for academie suicide or life; for sex education or love; for wealth or health. A simple system of choices will cost a fraction of the present expensive coercions. We need education we can all live with even if it means letting the cruel $chool$ die." Mrs. Shoultz, the mother of four children, received a bachelor's degree from the State University of Iowa and a master's degree from Eastern Michigan University. She also I attended the Sorbonne in Paris, France, and Middlebury French College in Middlebury, Vt. She presently is studying towards an educational specialist degree in special education. Mrs. Shoultz is a former I mentary and high school I er, former director of the St. Peter Claver Nursery in Detroit and a former English instructor at Washtenaw Community College. She was a teacher of emotionally disturbed and mentally retarded children at the Wayne County Training Home. She has written two unpublished novéis, and has published articles and poetry in a number of magazines. Mrs. Shoultz has received several writing awards, including first prize from the New York Herald Tribune for a short story, and the Vogue magazine Prix de Paris. She also is a former publicity writer for the EMU News and Information Service. She lives with her husband, Raymond, and their four children- Curt, 12, Keith, 10, Andrew, 8, and Marian Nell, 6 - at 706 Indianola.
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