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Hodgins Says He's Sorry

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Dallas R. Hodgins, one of 11 candidates in the June 8 Ann Arbor Board of Education election, made a trip to the board meeting last night to apologize to the trustees for any offense they might have taken at a story printed in yesterday's editions of The News. Hodgins, a research associate in the University College of Engineering, said he was very "depressed" about the articie, and said it made him look like an "irresponsible idiot." He characterized the reporter's interpretation of his comments at a meeting of the Secondary Schools Improvement Group as "irresponsible," and said the main point of his talk had been ignored. Hodgins specifically criticized one part of the story which quoted him as saying the current board members are a "bunch of naive sheep." "I may have said you are led like sheep, but I never called you naive sheep," Hodgins told the I trastees, "l Know you are üecticated, hard-workmg I men." Hodgins said Trastee Charles H. Good, who is running for re-election, had attended the meeting, and said Good could back him up on what he had really said. (The reporter who wrote the story doublechecked his notes from the meeting and says he found the line "a bunch of naive sheep" applied to the board in its dealings with the school administration. He says he recalled that Hodgins used the phrase immediately after he criticized the administration. (The News got the following comments from other persons at the meeting: (Joseph Wehrer, president of the Secondary Schools Improvement Group, said he did specifically remember the phrase " a bunch of naive sheep," and added that he thought Hodgins also said the school board was led around by the administration. (Mrs. Lyle Warner, another member of the SSIG, said she could not recall that exact phrase and that it carne as a "surprise" to her when she read it in the newspaper. She said that she thought the story "concentrated on the negative portion" of Hodgins' comments, but did not disagree that the general tone of his remarks before the group was negative. (Bob Hefner, another SSIG member, also said that he could not remember the specific phrase, but stated that it "fit -in with the tone of what he was saying." Mrs. Hefner said she did recaü me phrase, but did not remember exactly to whom he had applied it. (Board of Education trustee and candidate for re-election Charles Good said he feit "what you represented was what he (Hodgins) said." He termed the "naive sheep" quote a "valid reference," adding, "I think he said that.")


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