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Weather Spurs Big City School Election Turnout

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A heavy voter turnout was reported by 11 a.m. this morning in the annual school election. Sunny skies and summerlike temperatures probably contributed to the number of voters. By 11 a.m. today, 3,383 Ann Arbor School District voters had cast their ballots to decide the fate of two millage issues and a five-part bonding issue. Ann Arbor voters are also electing three new trustees to the Board of Education. The 3,383 figure is quite close to the number of voters - 3,446 - who had voted by the same nour last year. In 1969, some 19,000 voters went to the polls on a day which was also sunny and warm. Some 25,000 voters are expected at the polls this year. No early returns were available from the out-county precincts. In Ann Arbor, the vote return at 11 a.m. by precincts was as follows: Precinct 1 - 109; 41; 3-31; 4-48; 5-117; 5A-23; 5B-54; 6-39; 7-39; 8-136; 9-166; 10-31; 11-115; 12-112; 13-86; 14-00; 15-76; 16-58; 16A-104; 16B-123; 17-106; 18-56; 19-81; 20-127; 21-102; 32-140; 23not reported; 23A-91; 24-130; 2574; 26-68; 27-138; 28-91; 29-112; 30-93; 31-64; 32-100; 33-64; 34-45; 35-93. Ann Arbor School District voters are casting their ballots on a 3.10-mill levy for ' tions, a $36,280,000 bonding issue for school, library and Fervice facility construction, and a one-mill proposition of the Washtenaw Intermediate School District to finance a county-wide vocational educat'on facility. Voters in the Washtenaw Intermediate School District who do not live in the Ann Arbor School District are voting on the vocational education facility only, unless their local school districts also have items on their ballots. The 10 local school districts in the Wásntenaw Intermedíate ; School District are Ann Arbor, Whitmore Lake, Dexter, Chelsea, Willow Run, Ypsilanti, Lincoln, Manchester, Milán and Saline. Also on the Ann Arbor School District ballot is a question on whether the residents of the former Braun, Frains Lake and Superior Townline districts can be taxed for the bonded indebtedness of the Ann Arbor School District at the time of their annexations in 1966. They were 'not taxed then because of a technicality. Eieren candidates are vying iur three seats on the Ann Arbor Board of Education. 'fhey are Paul D. Carrington, Christopher J. Burke, Robert E. Barry, Dallas R. Hodgins, A. Gerald Gottleib, Norman R. keefer, Charles H. Good, Harriet A. Powers, Roy E. Couch, Patricia P. Shipman and Robert Conn. Both property and nonproperty owners who are tered may vote on all issues today. The polls opened at 7 a.m. and will remaln open until 8 p m. today. The places of voting were listed in Sunday's editions of The News. Information on the school board candidates or on the millage and bonding propositions may be obtained today during election hours from the League of Women Voters by calling 665-5018 or 662-4281.


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