Opportunity For Women

1 Editor, The Ne$T ? i While nine out of ten women will be I employed some time in their lives, there I is currently little or no opportunity for I women to acquire specialized skills at I the high school level. We have a chance I to change that inequity. i If the voters approve the proposals I next Tuesday, Jan. 22, a building will be I constructed to provide Washtenaw CounI ty youth with 40 vocational education I programs. Speqific combinations of the I courses would prepare students for any I of 15 different Career áreas such as: I Agriculture, Business and Office, ComI munications and Media, Construction ITrades, Health, Transportation, I Manufacturing and Service Industries. The Career Center will not be a I "dumping ground" for underachievers. I Based on other Career Center experiI ence, students want to attend and classes I fill quickly. In fact, many college prep. I students will also use the Center. The I Center would provide students with thoIrough training in the. área of their Ichoice, instead of the isolated and limitI ed courses that are currently available at I some schools. ? The facility would accommodate 2,400 I students per day in grades 10-12. A 30I acre site will be selected no more than 30 I minutes travel time from any county I high school. In effect, the Center would ■ be an extensión of every high school in I Washtenaw County. Students would Ispend half of each school day at the CenIter and the remainder at the home high Schtól meeting graduation requirements.l Next Tuesday, we will decide two ques-l tions. First, if we support the concept! and creation of the Career Center and! are willing to have our property taxesl raised by oné mili. For the average! family that's about $15 per year. The se-l cond question simply asks for the au-l thority to issue tax bonds for the Center. I The money needed to repay the bonds I will come from the one mili requested inl the first question. I believe that the Career Center willl provide a quality education for those whol choose to attend, and $15 per year is a low price to pay to achieve that goal.
Education - Elections
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Brian R. Connelly