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Meet The Candidate

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Dr. William L. Casto Jr., 58, has announced his candidacy for a position on the Ann Arbor Board of Education in the June 10 election. In his statement, he says the following "imperatives are essential to the successful accomplishments of the schools' mission: "The schools must provide children and youth with a sense of community and a comprehension of the World of Work. "The schools must provide an effective career development program and open its door to career opportunities, either directly to careers that provide satisfying work or to additional schooling leading to careers. "The schools must be held accountable for their product; they should be judged in terms of their outputs. "The success of schools requires increased participation in decisión making by their patrons from among all socio-economic groups. "Success in the education of all children requires the development of total ' tional systems which bring together competent teachers, effective instructional technology, and curriculum materials that are relevent to the interests and needs of the totalities of each student. "What is suggested here is a strategy that offers a better education for all youth. One that allows for democratie decisión making, creates a link with the future, provides gratification for all and puts meaning into the educational experience for all children and youth regardless of neighborhood, socio-economic back■ ground or learning style." Cash, 3540 Windemere Dr., I is assistant to the president I for Human Relations Affairs I and professor of education I and lecturer in psychology at I the University. He is a 1 I fied consulting psychologist. I I He has a son who graduated I I from Huron High School and a I I daughter attending M. L. King Eiementary School. I Cash is a member of First I Congrega tional Church, on the I executive board for the I rine Council Boy Scouts of I America, a member of the I Ann Arbor Rotary Club, I treasurer for the Black 1 nomic Development League, I on the board of directors for I the Educational Skillsl Development Corp., a 1 ing editor for the Journal of I Counseling Psychology, al member of the University of I Michigan and Detroit Public I Schools Liaison Committee, al member of the American I Personnel and Guidance 1 ciation; a member of theB American Psychological Asso-B ciation and a member of Sig-B ma Xi and Phi Kappa Phi. He received his bachelor'sB degree from Fisk University I and gradúate degrees from I Oberlin College and the U-M. Cash has served as associ-B ate director of program plan-H ning and evaluation for theB Bureau for the Handicapped.B professor of psychology andfl department chairman at theBJ University of North Dakota,B and professor of psychology B and director of the counseling I center at Prairie View A & M B Mversity. Cash has been a visitingB )rofessor at the Universities I of Southern California, 1 íesota, Hawaii and Nevada.