Meet The Candidate
'tn Jerome Epstein, an opthalmologist and ' a clinical assistant professor of opthalmology at the U-M, is a candidate for the Ann Arbor Board of Education in the June 9 election. He submitted the following statement: 1 "As an ophthalmologist, I have deveI loped a particular interest in children I with learning disabilities. I have been I continually frustrated as a professional I and as a private citizen in efforts to Idevelop cooperative approaches - inIvolving physicians, teachers, administraItors, psychologists - to help the 25 per ■ cent of our school population with learnI ing difficulties. "It is appalling to me that a communiI ty as rich in resources as Ann Arbor has I failed to achieve cooperation among the Imany agencies and individuáis working I independently with children, parents and I learning problems. "Through this one special concern, I I have become aware of other problem I areas that must be faced if we are going I to meet the educational needs of all I youngsters: "Vocational skill training is as vital to ■ students and thus to our economy, as I academie training. We should be doing I more, including continuing efforts for I the County Vocational Skills Center enI dorsed by the school board, the adminis■ tration and the recent U-M Bureau of I School Services Report - yet rejected Hthrcc times by the voters. ■ "We need to work for more cooperaItion among the board, the administraItion, the teachers and the parents. Our children's needs can be met more successfully when teachers are challenged and excited by their jobs and when they have support, rather than opposition, from the school board and administration. "A flexible and viable school system should meet the needs of all children, regardless of their rate of progress or ability. We need realistic goals that both school and community can strive for, goals that are continually reevaluated and adjusted to meet specific needs. "The quality of life in our community and the education of our children gohand-in-hand. We must provide a humane yet orderly scholastic environment. that allows air children to acquire trre necessary basic skills they need to siicx ceed and to develop self-esteem and: self-discipline. Overcrowding is a major ■ cause of school disruptions, but a lack of respect and pride in our schools is jut as serious a problem. A school board cannot díctate changes in attitude, but it can initiate in the community an awareness of the need for change. "Other issues also require immediate attention. Our middte school children need a full school day. Extracurricular and enrichment programs need to be I panded at all levéis. "I want your children and my children to have the very best education possible - a goal that calis both for a financial investment and a moral commitment by the community. I support the request for millage renewal and its increase. "I feel that my experience as a physician, a parent and a teacher will allow me to bring to the Board of Education, an honest and logical approach to the kinds of decision-making that the Board should be involved in." Epstein, 40, is also a special lecturer at Eastern Michigan University's School of Special Education. His wife, Carolyne, is an interior decorator and they have two children, Paul and Miriam, both in Ann Arbor elementary schools. The i steins live at 2412 Shannondale Rd. A ■■■n-lW