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Election Turnout Average

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bers for today's school tax vote despite . bad weather and a one-question ballot according to Ann Arbor School District officials. School district voters are being asked by the Board of Education to approve a 2-mill tax hike for school operations. The 2 milis would raise more than $1.8 million annually for three years. The tax hike would cost the owner of a $40,000 home, which is assessed at half its val'ue, $40 more a year in property taxes. A survey of 16 of the school district's 70 polling places showed approximately the same number of voters defeated a 1.5 mili request. In June only 16.9 per cent of the district's 80,000 registered voters I went to the polls. For example, 116 persons had voted in Ward 4, Precinct 2, Lawton Elementary School. In June, 112 persons had voted as of 11 a.m. In all, 589 persons voted in that precinct. In the Fifth Ward's Precinct 1, 106 I ers had cast their ballot this morning I compared to 111 in June. During the last I school election, 572 persons voted at the I polling place located at Dicken I tary School. I Polls remain open untü & p.m. today. I


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