Mrs. Weaver In House Race

Rae C. Weayer, administrative secretary to Ann Arbor Mayor James E. Stephenson, has announced her candidacy for the Republican nomination to the Michigan House from District 53. Mrs. Weaver has no primary opposition. In November she will face the winner of the Democratie primary contest between incumbent Perry Bullard and Cmsr. Elizabeth Taylor, and Human Rights Pary nominee Robert Alexander. The 53rd District includes most of Ann Arbor east of Seventh Street. Mrs. Weaver, 39, is a U-M gradúate and is a member of the Republican State Central Committee and the Ripon Society. She has actively campaigned for may local Republicans including U.S. Rep. Marvin L. Esch. Mrs. Weaver is serving her second term on the Ann Arbor Community Center Board. In announcing her candidacy, Weaver said: "I am thoroughly disillusioned with the representation we now have. It appears to be pure exhibitionism without a trace of concern for the diverse problems of our district or any concept of how to work with the legislatura to obtain consideration of our needs and goals. As administrative secretary of the Mayor's Office here in Ann Arbor, I have been. in daily contact with residents from all over the city and I know their concerns. They need a representative who will listen to them and who in turn will be tened to in Lansing. "One message which should be taken' I to Lansing is that it is not easy to run a city when approximately half of it belongs to state-owned institutions and pays no taxes. We need legislation for I state payment of a fair share of the cost I of essential services in communities like I Ann Arbor. "If our area is not to be destroyed by I unplanned and uncontrolled growth, we I need a land use policy act for our state, I one that would protect us from unsightly I urban sprawl and piecemeal I ment without proper community I ment and approval. Too many communities are already experiencing the lasting coiïsequences of ill-considered and uncoordinated growth and the warning signs are all around us here. "These and many other concerns will hot wait until our representative in Lansing finds time from his other pursuits to give them some attention. If elected, my first concern will be what is needed by the people I serve, not what will serve any particular individual or group, or what will get my name in the Detroit newspapers."
Elections - Candidates
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Rae Weaver