Punch Card Voting Tryout Offered Here

If you'd yLe to sample and give an opinión on the use of punch card voting in Washtenaw County, drop by the County Clerk's office. Clerk Robert M. Harrison has placed a punch card voting booth in the hallway out-i side his department in the County Building to give votersl a chance to see how they likel the computerized voting sys-l tem. Harrison is presently con-j ducting a study on the possi-l bility of Washtenaw County switching to this form of vot-l ing to replace the lever systeml used now. j The booth is equipped with punch cards from last fall's general election and instructors on how to mark the computer cards. Harrison also has ' placed note paper in the booth to give samplers a chance to express their views on the system. Punch card voting gained a rather notorious reputation in Michigan when it was blamed twice last year for delaying voting results in Detroit. Harrison has indicated he doesn't favor using the system until it's defieiencies have been eliminated. And even if used in Washtenaw County, he says I it would first be tried on al smaller election before goingl into general use. I
Ann Arbor News
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