Rematched With Esch
Nexl November's congressiojial election in the Second District will be a rematch between Weston E. Vivian for the Democrats and Rep. Marvin L. Esch for the Republicans. Both are Ann Arbor residents. Vivian has served one term in Congress. He was defeated by Esch in the 1966 election. Today, Vivian said he expects to emphasize U. S. domestic issues in his campaign against Esch. I Yeslerday's primary election Iproduced a victory for Vivian lover two Democratie opponents, Ia. Jerome Dupont of Ann Arbor and John H. McDermott Jr. of Howell. Both contacted Vivian last night to extend contratulation1; and endorsements of his candidacy . Unofficial vote totals, with Lenawee County f ailing t o report one precinct, are: Vivian - 14,508, Dupont - 4,203; McDermott- 1,917. In comparison with that total of 20,628 votes for the three Democratie candidates, Esch, appc-aring on yesterday's primary ballot without cpposition, drew 23,241 votes. In the 1966 primary election, when there were more state and national campaigns to draw voters' interest, Vivian ran without opposition and drev.' 22,036 votes compared to the total of 26,822 for Esch and former GOP Rep. George L. Meader. Yesterday, Vivian carried all precincts in Ann Arbor except the First Ward's Third Precinet, the Second Ward's First and Second precincts, and the Third Ward's First Precinct. Totals in Ann Arbor: Vician- 3,998; Dupont- 2,490; McDermott- 301. Ypsilanti totals: Vivian- 725; Dupont- 190; McDermott - 55. Vivian won by relatively largo margins in all areas of the Second District, although voter turnouts were small in places Unofficial totals are: Washtenaw County: Vivian- 7,520; Dupont- 3,197; McDermott- 679; Esch- 7,974. Mcnroe County: Vivian- 3,994; Dupont - 501; McDermott- 600; Esch- 2,704. Livingston County: Vivian- 659; Dupont- 125; McDermott- 303; Esch- 5,079. Lenawee County: Vivian- 1,559; Dupont - 207; McDermott- 196; Esch- 5,565. Plymouth City: Vivian- 401;, Dupont- 76; McDermott - 17; Esch- 690. I presidential selection process that they have to a considerable degree, perhaps, not been awfre that domestic affairs are dominated by Congress. "Congress doesn't change very rapidly. We can anticípate this year that possibly very few seats in Congress will change. So the question is: will Congress pay serious attention to what is going on in this country? I will continue to emphasize the importance of replacing members of Congress who are members of the now-dominaut conservative coalition." Northville Township: Vivian- 61; Dupont- 17; McDermott- 17; Esch- 355. Plymouth Township: Vivian- 314; Dupont- 80; McDermott- 67; Esch- 874. Vivian said today ''I anticipated I would carry Washtenaw County by about 2 to i. and the other counties in the district about 3 or 4 to 1. It ran a little ahead of that in, places. "I am grateful to the voters cf the Second District for this vote of confidence, and I am beginning this morning a vigorous campaign which I hope willl justify this confidence. "f 11 be stressing domestic affairs. I don't want to suggest that I'm going to ignore foreign policy. I'll try to make my positicn clear on foreign affairs. But I would say that the voters have been so caught up in the Vivían also commented that so far in his campaign, "I have not endorsed either Vice President Humphrey or Sen. (Eugene) McCarthy for President. I know both of them reasonably well. I'd be happy to run with either of them." Dupont commented today that he was "mildly surprised" with the primary results in some áreas, particularly the Wayne County portion of the Seccnd District, "where we thought we'd worked hard." Asked if he expects to campaign for Vivían, Dupont repüed: 'Tve already said I'll vote for him. I'll be issuing a statement in about a week as to plans for the campaign." McDermott said today: "Atj 12:30 this morning I phoneri Vivian and wished him MI speed ahead to victory." Asked to comment on recent political gossip to the effect that he is hoping for an office within his party, such as Livingston County Democratie chairman, McDermott said: "Whatever role the Democratie Party has in mind for me, I'm ready. I'm hoping that losing this battle doesn't end my political career. I hope to serve the party. In what way remains to be seen." - - -
Weston E. Vivian
Weston Edward Vivian
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Ann Arbor News