Smit Raps U. S. Criticism
State Rep. Raymond J. Smit.l R-Ann Arbor, responded to thel Johnson administration's criti-B cism of Michigan's water pollu-1 tion program at the home ofl Mr. and Mrs. L. Ray Bishop. I "Recent federal finger-point-l ing at Michigan's program inl water pollution abatement givesl renewed emphasis to the bank-l ruptcy of federal water pollu-l tion efforts. At a time whenl Michigan is thrusting ahead tol control its part of this nationall scourge, outdistancing the ef-l forts of most other states, this I most recent federal blast based on outdated information is without basis in fact," Smit said. I "While politically motivated, the federal boys are playing with dynamite this time. If successful in their approach of undermining c i t i z e n confidence in I state programs to achieve mean[ingful answers, they could also undermine the broad support needed for voter approval of the $335 million pollution control lbond issue on Nov. 5. i "Michigan is ready to do a Ijob and we do not need more Ifederal discouragement at this Icritical hour," Smit said.