Commissioner Post Is Sought

Donald E. Johnston fóday filed petitions for the Republican nomination for the County Board of Commissioners in District 10 which includes portions of Ypsilanti Township and all of Augusta Township. A resident of the county for 38 years, Johnston lives at 1349 Skyway Dr. in Ypsilanti Township. He is vice president of Capps Construction Co. In announcing the filing of his petitions, Johnston said if elected he would keep in close contact with the electorate of his district "and strive to make the Board of Commissioners more responsive to the needs of the people of the community." Johnston is a gradúate of Eastern Michigan University, a member of the County Republican Committee, the First Methodist Church of Ypsilanti, is a Korean War veteran and a former member of the Fletcher PTO Council.
Capps Construction
Old News
Ann Arbor News
Donald E. Johnston