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Tuesday Is Election Day In Area's Townships

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Issues rangingfrom a charter township proposition t o controversial zoning proposals and many contests for the nominations for various township offices will be on the Primary Election ballot next Tuesday. There will be contests for two nominations in Augusta Township. Mrs. Marie A. Jarvis, incumbent clerk, wiE face Mrs. Irene E. Yunkman on the Republican ticket. On the Democratie slate, Ralph G. Winkler and Louis P. Banotai, Jr., will vie for the nomination for one trustee vacancy. Incumbent Democratie Supv. Sylvester J. Blaszak will be unopposed as will Republican William R. Boatwright. Republican candidates having no opposition include James R. Collins, incumbent treasurer; Clarence F. Sheldon, incumbent trustee; and M. Graham Day and Robert C. Haston Jr., incumbent constables. Democratie candidates having no opposition are Mrs. Martha M. Taylor, clerk; Darwin Cox, treasurer; and Walter J. Zawadzki and Johnnie A. Blair, constables. Township residents will also be voting on two propositions concerning the Volunteer Fire Department. The first one asks for the permission to increase the millage limitation by 2lA milis for two years for additional revenue for Fire Department equipment and operating expenses. The second proposal concerns the levying of the increase. Brighton Township in Liv-j ingston County will have primary contests on the Republi-' can ticket. No Demorats filed for office there. Supv. Raymond Wilcox will be opposed by Sylvester Shoner. Walter Jollitz and Mrs. Nancy Haviland will be running for the nomination for treasurer. Clerk Muriel Beurm a n and Trustee Bernie Corrigan are unopposed. In Dexter Township, there will be a contest for the nomination for clerk on the Democratie ticket. Candidates include William Eisenbeiser, incumbent, and Robert B. Devine. Neil A. Frank is the Republican candidate for clerk. Other unopposed Republican candidates include John M. Tandy, supervisor; Mrs. Mildred E. Hackney, er; Gary A. Al b r e c ht , I trustee ; and Harvey G. Fisher, constable. Únopposed Democratie candidates are Earl Doletzky, supervisor; Winifred C. Aberdeen, incumbent clerk; and Arthur Doletzky, trustee. There will be four candidates running for the nomination for supervisor in Genoa Township. All are Republicans. Incumbent Supv. John Seim will be opposed by Sherman Halier, Edward Lucas and Leo Grote. The incumbent clerk, Mrs. Dorothy Varellen, will face FrankMarshallon the Republican ticket. Three Republican candidates will be vying for the one trustee nomination. They include Stanley Starkey, Mrs. Dorothy Musch and Glenn O'Lone. Republican Mrs. Lucille Glynn and Democrat Mrs. Dianne Schmitigal are candidates for the treasurer nominations. In Green Oak Township, all of the Republican incumbents are seeking their party's nomination. They are Kenneth Masak, supervisor; Mrs. Mona Wenzel, clerk; and Mrs. Isabel Vitale, treasurer. All are unopposed. Incumbent Trustee Louis Driver, will be facing Richard Williams and Billy Lintner for the lone GOP trustee nomination. Unopposed Democratie candidates include Howard Clair, supervisor ; Mrs. Ruth Straub, clerk; and Stephen Inman, treasurer. Candidates for the trustee nomination are CarroFT Waid, . Kenneth York and Joseph Wilkinson. There will be a contest for several nominations in Hamburg Township. On the Democratie ticket, Incumbent Supv. F r a n c i s Sheehan will take on John B. Desch. James F. Boyd is the Republican candidate. Ronald LaMiarand, incumbent clerk, will be opposed by Mrs. Kay Szlauer and Stanley J. Wieczorek. All are Democrats. Henry R. Haas is the Republican candidate. Democrat incumbent Mrs. Ellen S. McAfee will be unopposed for the treasurer nomination. She will face Joseph P. Basydlo, Republican, in November. Two persons will vie for the one trustee nomination. They are Manly W. Bennet and Samuel J. Motsinger, both Democrats. Richard C. tíeck-" er is the Republican candidate. Candidates for the four constable jobs include Democrats, Mryl S. Cain, Robert Cales, David J. Fisher, James M. Higgins, Richard H. Jezowski, Raymond L. Perry, and Ivan Waterbury. Republican candidates are Frederick R. Lindsay, Dennis A. McKinney, James H. Moran and James E. Morlock. Hamburg Township residents will also vote on a proposal for the formation of a township building department. George P. Frisinger II and Mrs. Leila Bauer, will oppose each other on the Republican ticket for clerk in Lima Township. Edwin Coy, Republican candidate for nomination for supervisor, will be unopposed as will Mrs. Hilda Pierce, Republican incumbent treasurer, and Harold Gross, incumbent for trustee, and Ralph Stoffer, constable. The latter two are Democrats. There will be a three-way race for the nomination for clerk in Lodi Township on the Republican slate. Candidates are Mrs. Grace Diuble, Mrs. Ruth Henes and Mrs. Delores Schmidt. For trustee, Alwin Wild, incumbent, will take on Rudy Schmerberg. Both are Republicans. Unopposed will be incumbent supervisor Erwin Frederick and Walter Lindemann, treasurer, both Republicans. Two persons will be competing for the treasurer's nomination in Lyndon Township on the Republican party. They are Mrs. Nancy C. White and Mrs. Virginia C. Meyers. Mrs. Therese Bott is the Democratie candidate for the office. There will also be a contest for the two constable slots. Candidates include Republicans E. Jay Hopkins, Donald B e e m a n , incumbent, and Robert J. Meyers. George S. Paxton, Democrat, is also running for constable. In Oakland County's Lyon Township, there will be races for clerk and trustee nominations. All candidates are Republicans. Clerk candidates are Robert Bayer and Mrs. Mary Canfield. Robert McCrory, incumbent, will face James Vi-viano for the one trustee nomination. Incumbent Supv. William S m i t h and incumbent Treasurer Alfred Haack are unopposed. Five candidates, all Republicans, will be seeking the one trustee nomination in Manchester Township. They are Malcolm Billings, incumbent; George Macomber Lyle Widmayer, Don Limpert and Harold Keasal. Unopposed candidates for supervisor are Clarence Fielder, República n, and Ralph W. England, Democrat. For treasurer, Republican incumbent Mike Wolfe will face Democrat Lehman Wahl in November. Four persons have filed for the four constable positions, all on the Republican ticket. They include Paul Eisele, Lyle Moore and Earl Alber, incumbents, and Dwight Eisenhauer. Incumbent clerk, Waldo C. Marx, Republican, is also unopposed. Nortbiield Township will have contests for nominations for supervisor, clerk, treasurer and constable. Former long-time supervisor Freeman E. Weber will face George J. Newpower on the Republican slate for supervisor. The winner will then take on Incumbent Supv. Peter S. Kelley, Democrat, in November. Incumbent Clerk Clyde A. Dort will be opposed by Robert R. Lupi and Mrs. Mary Taylor on the Republican ticket. No Democrats filed for the office. Mrs; Eldeane Volz, incumbent Republican treasurer, will face Mrs. Caroline Wiedling for the treasurer nomination. Mrs. Irene Raffin is the Democratie candidate. Incumbent Trustee George R. Armstrong will take on Ralph M. Laidlaw for the trustee nomination on the Republican ticket. Valentine Dreffs is the Democratie candidate. Elmer F. Klumpp and John A. Reutter, incumbents, and Marion Darling, will vie for the two constable vacancies in the Republican party. LeRoy Herman is the Democratie candidate. Although there will be no contest for office in Pittsfield (over please)


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