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Policemen Arrest 11 At EMU Demonstration

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YPSILANTI - Eleven persons were arrested today on charges of conspiracy to créate a disturbance at Eastern Michigan University during a demonstraron which began shortly before 8 a.m. Those arrested were from a group of about 60 students who marched into EMU's administration building and placed chains across the building's entrances, locking in about a dozen faculty members. More than 100 students stood outside Pierce Hall, which serves as the administration building and has some classrooms, as those inside barricaded the building with the chains. Six plainclothes s h e r i f f ' s deputies, who spent the night in the building, made the arrests of nine black and two white students after cutting the chains and persuading most of the demonstrators in the building to leave. The demonstrators said they are demanding a black studies program controlled by black students, increased black enrollment, more black professors, construction of a Malcolm X cultural center, creation of a black senate with a budget proportional to the black population of the State of Michigan, total amnesty for demonstrators and no interference with the demonstration by off-campus pólice. Demonstrators marched to the home of EMU President Harold Sponberg, where they were met by a forcé of Ypsilanti city pólice, sheriffs deputies, state and-campus pólice ing the premises. With some yelling "down with racism," the students milled about for an hour while the crowd, including the curious, swelled to several hundred. Sheriff's deputies with dogs dispersed the crowd which collected in a tight knot in front of the home as a bus carrying those arrested left the scène. When a black youth shouted "back to the Union," the crowd moved up the street toward McKenny Union, which was closed at the first signs of the demonstration. A girl passed among the assembled crowd with a paper cup soliciting funds "for those arrested." She said she had collected more than $400 by 10:30 a.m. EMU has an enrollment of 17,000, with an estimated 5 per cent of them black students. Spokesmen say this is the highest black enrollment in the state outside of Wayne State University in Detroit. Kdward Linta, acting dean of students, attempted to persuade the demonstrators to cali off their demonstration in Pierce Hall. A spokesman for the group said, "We will not initiate any violence" but that "our time has come." Seventy-five pólice and sheriff's officers were sent to the campus. Deputy Leonard Dexter and another officer were knocked down in a scuffle with students. Dexter was taken to St. Joseph Mercy Hospital and treated for cuts. Sheriff Douglas J. Harvey conferred throughout yesterday afternoon with his top command on plans for handling this morning's confrontation with the Eastern students. Late last night he dispatched a group of plainclothes officers, headed by Detective Lt. Stanton L. Bordine, to the Eastern campus with orders to keep Pierce Hall open when the business day began today. Bordine and his squad waited inside the building. When the students entered early this morning and chained the doors shut, the sheriff's men moved up and told the students they were under arrest. Officers said some of the students made a run to classrooms and offices to hide but were located and taken into custody. Those arrested- nine Negroes and two white men- were loade d into a newly-renovated 'prisoner bus" which was recently outfitted with steel grill work and bars. The bus arrived at the County Jail in Ann Arbor about 9:15 a.m. and the prisoners were booked and placed in cells. They are all charged with conspiracy to create a dísturbance. Anticipating general disorder on the Eastern campus, Sheriff Harvey by midmorning had sent out calis for assistance from the Oakland County Sheriff's Department's T a c t i c a 1 Mobile Unit and pólice officers from a half-dozen neighbofing counties. The officers were assembling at the County Jail by noon. Auxiliary deputies were called in to man desk duties at the County Jail, with Lt. William Mulholland in charge of the entire jail operation.