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Director, Staff Members Named

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Appointments of a división director and two part-time professional staff members were approved by the WCC trustees last night. Pairi Davis of Detroit was appointed director of the pitality and community service occupations división effective Feb. 13. Davis has bachelor's and master's degrees in industrial education from Ball State University and an educational specialist's certifícate in mathematics and administration from Wayne State University. has been owner-manager of a catering firm, a private detective, a barber and head waiter. He will be in charge of developing programs in pólice He has taught hydraulics, pneumatics, mathematics and drafting in community colleges, training, hotel-motel ment, chefs training, cosmetology, waiter-waitress training,! food service supervisión, andB institutional administration. He will begin phasing in pro-B grams with short courses and apprenticeships in local firms to determine the need for eachH area before complete curricula B are developed. 1 Also approved were appoint-Bj ments of Mei Anthony as a II
time counselor and Ben F. ■ Munn as a part-time teacher■ counselor of data processing. In other business: 1) Four members of the col■ lege administration were desigBnated by the trustees to form Ithe college's negotiating team ■ for collective bargaining with Ithe Washtenaw Community Col■ lege Education Association. The team is composed of Lelland B. Luchsinger, executive . assistant to the president, chair. man; Paul R. Hunt, dean of occupational studies, Norman C. Olmstead, dean of general studies, and Lloyd H. VanBus_ kirk, business manager, i 2) Trustees authorized the , college's president and business manager to sign a $40-a-month contract to rent space in the University Reformed Church to . house health science classes. ! The contract covers approxi Japanese Stu( _ mately 2,300 square feet in five classrooms and public areas in the lower level of the church at 1001 E. Huron, Ann Arbor. 3) The college catalog for I 1967-68 was approved. Those present for the meeting I were Board Chairman Ralph C Wenrieh, Richard C. Creal ward Adams Jr., J. Doüglas I Cook, and Anthony J. 1 sini. Absent were Evart W Ardis and Robert G. Forman