Washtenaw's Road Death Total Now 5

A readjustment of traffic fatality figures for 1970 finds Washtenaw County with five highway deaths this year. The figure had been four untill I Michigan State Pólice at the Clinton post pointed out that a Jan. 15 fatality which occurred I near the Jackson County line in I the extreme southwest section of Washtenaw County is charged to this county. Gerald Edwin Huston, 40, of Michigan Center in Jackson County, was killed instantly when his car left Hermann Rd near Noggles Rd. in Manchester Township and crashed head-on into a tree. The spot wherel I the accident occurred is south-east of Manchester and about a mile from the Jackson County i Iline. No one witnessed the fatal crash and the accident, which occurred late at night, was not I Idiscovered until daylight. 1 ton troopers said Huston I ently died instantly in the accident. Last year when 57 fatalities were recorded on area high-l ways there had been seven roadl deaths by this date. The most traffic deaths ever recorded in Washtenaw County in a year was the 69 total in 1966. In the past decade an average of 49 persons have died in traffic II accidents in the county.
Ann Arbor News
Old News