Lung Transplant Patient Dies Of Infection
Mr Pauline S. Hollafid, 64, recipiënt of a transplanted lung March 27 at University Medical Center, died at 5:05 p.m. Saturday. She died of a progressive infection due to pneumonía, according to hospital authorities. Thoracic surgeons and special intensive care nurses made every effort to assist Mrs. Holland in breathing with a portable respirator and finally an iron lung, hospital authorities said. Mrs. Holland was the second lung transplant patiënt at the University Medical Center. The first was Albert Lee Carnice, who died during the initial stage of recovery four days af ter his transplant in September, 1969. Her new lung was the first transplant without the support of an artificial respirator and Mrs. Holland was reported in good condition following the operatioii. However, she was unable to dispel mucus which collected in the transplanted lung and she contracted an infection to which she ünally succumbed. About two weeks after her transplant, Mrs. Holland began losing ground and was placed in an artificial respirator.
Ann Arbor News
Old News
Pauline S. Holland